Awesome Brain Powers

Not a bit. Kristen continues to walk the righteous path to victory (and Stefan was a great sport about it).

I actually like Stefan (at least, more than you do, Emily), but if a Josh-elimination wasn't to be, I suppose Stefan leaving is the next-best thing. At the very least, I'd be sadder to see Sheldon (poor Sheldon), Brooke, or Lizzie (and her I'm-convinced-it-can't-be-real accent) back their knives.

@avclub-19be44d5d5c13ad14ba9f161e66b5536:disqus :
Right, but I meant in terms of his possible failings and mistakes. I'm not saying Raylan isn't cocksure and oblivious, but the key difference is that Raylan probably won't do that again (and certainly will look back on that incident with a rueful, god-I'm-an-idiot

I'm usually not a fan of Navi Rawat's trying-too-hard-to-be-tough delivery, but it fits in rather nicely on this show so far.

Yeah, Randall's something of Raylan's dark mirror: Raylan's white-knight caricatured into dangerous jealousy; his tough-hombre act reduced to a brutal, unpredictable violence. The thing that sets Raylan apart is his self-awareness and ability to learn and grow (however slowly and reluctantly), whereas Randall just did

Cocaine's a hell of a drug.

That's OK by me: Not only is character growth fun, but I'm just fine with not going through another Internal Affairs plotline.

Well, we were between wars, neither television nor radio existed, and print was the most popular way to express anything to anyone. What else did they have to bitch about? Small pox?

Well, we were between wars, neither television nor radio existed, and print was the most popular way to express anything to anyone. What else did they have to bitch about? Small pox?

It's kind of like Babylon 5, if B5 skipped right to season three.

It's kind of like Babylon 5, if B5 skipped right to season three.

The money's in syndication, so the goal is to be able to make 100 episodes (or 88, or whatever it is now).

The money's in syndication, so the goal is to be able to make 100 episodes (or 88, or whatever it is now).

Yeah, me neither; I'm just kind of guessing at what the thought process might be in a marketing department dumb enough to under-promote the damn lead of a show like this.

Yeah, me neither; I'm just kind of guessing at what the thought process might be in a marketing department dumb enough to under-promote the damn lead of a show like this.

I know; I don't like it either. But thieves get rich, saints get shot, and I got a Terriers notification that wasn't about Terriers being put back into production.

I know; I don't like it either. But thieves get rich, saints get shot, and I got a Terriers notification that wasn't about Terriers being put back into production.

"Hey, there's the guy who starred in the extremely profitable Underworld movies!"

"Hey, there's the guy who starred in the extremely profitable Underworld movies!"

You can watch the pilot on Hulu right now. It's pretty awesome.