Awesome Brain Powers

It's completely explained in the first episode: Her father was Thatcher's ambassador to the UN, and Mackenzie was born in the US while her father was here doing that.

It's completely explained in the first episode: Her father was Thatcher's ambassador to the UN, and Mackenzie was born in the US while her father was here doing that.

Yeah. The real bastard of it is that he's actually a really nice guy.

Yeah. The real bastard of it is that he's actually a really nice guy.

Exactly. Because more than anything, Sorkin's pushing an agenda of earnestness.

Exactly. Because more than anything, Sorkin's pushing an agenda of earnestness.

But…it actually is a cool story.

But…it actually is a cool story.

3 beard gnomes eating his face

3 beard gnomes eating his face

@avclub-9cbac99b96b86db11c3cb9501e695e31:disqus : No, no. In this case, @eric827:disqus  was using "interesting" to mean "It's funny because those smug, condescending fucks don't seem to appreciate the irony".

@avclub-9cbac99b96b86db11c3cb9501e695e31:disqus : No, no. In this case, @eric827:disqus  was using "interesting" to mean "It's funny because those smug, condescending fucks don't seem to appreciate the irony".

Yeah, it's so stupid and childish to like things and be bummed when things that you like are mistreated!

Yeah, it's so stupid and childish to like things and be bummed when things that you like are mistreated!

I know, right?! It's like, they gave this a 90, when it deserves a 94! Can you believe that shit?! It's almost like your complaint is utterly trivial and inconsequential.

I'd probably vote for Kraken as the most "accessible" to someone new to Mieville (especially if you like folks like Neil Gaiman).

I haven't read Un Lun Dun, but I've loved nearly all of his other novels. Does this make for a decent adult read, or is it very clearly aimed at younger readers?

I'd probably pay $2/episode—maybe $3 for some shows.

HBO has ads? Really?

It's the paying $90+ each month for the cable package that would then allow me to pay another $15/month for HBO that's the issue.