Awesome Brain Powers

Yeah, half the time PETA acts like the motherfucking Westboro Baptist Church of vegetarianism.

The problem there is the conflation of making a personal choice based on conscience and lecturing others to follow your own personal choice.

Again: that makes choosing to be a vegetarian in Mozambique probably a bad idea. How does that make the decision to be a vegetarian in America any better or worse?

Even as a raging meat-eater (and, yeah, former vegetarian), I find pretty much every anti-vegetarian argument idiotic and tedious. "Your choice is wrong because I think it's dumb and I'm going to mock you even though it has no effect on my life whatsoever" is just painfully dim.

Basically any dietary choice in America is a diet of opportunity. I fail to see how that fact informs any kind of judgment (positive or negative) of any particular diet.

And now it's 50-all.

People who are wrong, probably.

You know, I'm a die hard Sorkin fan (I even enjoyed roughly 75% of Studio 60), and I love Sports Night, but I just recently rewatched it, and I couldn't get over how much of a "rough draft" feel a lot of it had: characters echoed each other's lines just to maintain rhythm (sometimes to the point of frustration, e.g.

…but it's The Fall's Gonna Kill You.

Somebody's going to emergency; somebody's going to jail.

Do you think "let it leave the air before its ever-diminishing returns completely eclipse more than half a decade's worth of good-to-great work" is still on the table? I certainly hope so.

The A+ is reserved for particularly spectacular episodes of shows reviewed for TV Club Classic. Beyond that, it's an editorial decision to have no A+ for regular coverage. (I'm sure there's reasoning behind it, but beyond the whole "Nothing is 100% as good as it could be" and "Such strong praise requires more

Scanners (head explodes)

Am I the *only* V: THE SERIES fan

Way of the Gun was actually referencing Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid, but it's still awesome.

I didn't like Cheesa's throaty, showy performance as much as Angie's controlled-but-still-powerful take on it, but it was more or less a toss-up.

I do not like this show, yet I keep watching it. I really don't know why; I've never been one to revel in so-bad-it's-good entertainment (which this isn't), and I certainly don't feel invested in these caricatures or the plot. Yet here I am, watching this thing every week. I don't understand it, and I hate both myself

I just miss it so much. =(

Well, to increase its possible appeal, they could keep the "dark comedy about hapless criminals and off-beat heroes" parts, but make it more of a buddy-cop/odd couple kind of deal. And maybe move it somewhere sunnier—like San Diego.

Oh my god. Cannot unsee.