Awesome Brain Powers

Yeah, they keep flirting with the notion of exploring just how dark and morally-compromised these characters are (or would be, without each other, or something), and then just kind of making a joke or forgetting about it, which ends up just being deeply creepy in a way that feels completely unintentional.

Yeah, I liked every part of the episode, but Gillian Jacobs easily owned this one.

It's easy to forget sometimes that Timothy Olyphant is really good in addition to being awesome. Moments like that serve as a very welcome reminder.

This is just my guess, but I think it's something to with Lost Girl being at least one of: (a) very, very stupid; (b) not stupid enough to be source material for good jokes.

That Kenzi girl sure is cute; it's a shame that she's either despised by the writers or just a terrible actress. (Seriously, if we're talking about squandered audience good will—and we should be talking about that, since this is the comments section for Being Human—let's take a moment to recognize that the people

All of the points you made are reasons why I'm glad they took Nora in this direction. I just wish it was portrayed as more "Oh god this part of me is terribly exciting/seductive" instead of "Hey, Kool-Aid! Awesome!"

He certainly reminded me of it, in that he was bad at acting.

I actually really like that Nora enjoys being the wolf, although, yeah, her cult-member smile during that scene was a bad choice. (It was more affecting, I thought, when she reacted with a horrified shame/acknowledgement when Douchebag Bro-wolf first confronted her about it in a previous episode.)

I actually enjoyed about 90% of this episode, which is a series high for me.

Just Nina asking Amberlivia if she was hurt and assuring her they'd be OK (or find a way out, or some other desperate platitude—which one would expect from a genuine mother-figure).

Yeah, but it's harder to spout masturbatory outrage if you limit your response to the points the article is actually making.

Your points are valid. Here is my guess (I do not agree with this, but let's play devil's advocate):

I still dislike the DC contestants more, but I fucking hate what the producers did with this season more (also, probably more than is reasonable to hate something like this).

That's where I recognized her from!

That's cute, but there are two problems with this tactic:

Not at all. There are so many fallacies there, I almost don't know where to begin.

@avclub-4b85256c4881edb6c0776df5d81f6236:disqus  Were you attempting to embody the kind of smug, self-satisfied mentality I was bemoaning, or did that just happen by accident?

Right? God forbid someone make a lengthy, considered argument that runs counter to my own perceptions!

You know, I haven't watched this in a while, but I tuned in and was pleasantly surprised. I expected it to be really shitty, but instead it was just kind of bad.