Awesome Brain Powers

I was mostly being rhetorical with those questions.

I appreciate the thoughtful response (seriously).

Oh, I agree with all of that. My real point is that if you (the collective "you", not you-you) are going to shit on them (which, honestly, they very well may deserve), at least have a reason for it and be able to intelligibly express that reaon.

Yeah, I saw that article yesterday. I think it's dreadful, empty rhetoric that resorts to shameful race-baiting for traffic generation.

Is that file anywhere near "Poster that snidely dismisses commenter by lumping them in with vaguely-defined stereotype and spouting a rote, bitchy ad hominem about their strawman of choice"?

Everything was great? Really?

You know, I'm not a fan of their original music, but I don't really get the Karmin-hate. Are they inescapably white and musical-theater-exuberant? Yes. So what? I haven't yet heard a coherent criticism of them—just a kind of bitchy sneer that eventually boils down to a junior-high-school huff of "Oh, come on."

So they're making a glitch-laden FF game where everyone's hair looks like someone shit out a pile of steel wool?

I liked the LDR stuff, and the awkward pacing seemed bad at first, but then I thought maybe it was intentional (or I'm being too nice), though they could have let that run a little longer and get more bitingly critical.

I'd never heard (of) them until yesterday's Soundcheck on NPR, but they were on and played live, and the vocals were definitely more "disco-diva" than "00s R&B".

God, Sarah is so awful, she doesn't even qualify as so-bad-it's-good-for-TV. She's just a petty, whiny, condescending, vile human, and she makes the act of watching this show half as fun as it should be.

Sara's birdcage was a really beautiful piece, to be sure, but to me, without better context or something to contrast with it, it came close to being just a beautiful object, you know?

I'm super glad Kymia won—both because her work was great and because she wasn't Young.

Heather is gone! Karmic victory!

Russell Simmons just bought the ad spots Lowe's dropped. Has Def Jam redeemed America (again)?

Aw, your openness to reconsider makes me feel all guilty about my earlier invective. To make up for it, here are two other Louis CK clips I think are great:

It's actually about the grotesquerie of physical sloth and intellectual laziness, which I'm currently finding especially hilarious because of relevance.

Then that's sad for you, because you missed the whole setup to that bit, which means you are either (1) incapable of understanding verbal language or (2) the kind of person who's comfortable judging something (and others) without bothering to actually comprehend what that thing is first.

You Bred Raptors? are pretty great. I saw them at Arlene's Grocery (I know, shut up), and they put on a fantastic show. Zach seriously knows from drums.