Awesome Brain Powers

mozzarella < mecha-mozzarella < maserati < mary elizabeth mastrantonio

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I think that's fair, but at the same time, they haven't really done anything for it. Putting a show like this on at 8pm is a terrible idea, and I can't remember the last time I saw a promo for Community on any of NBC's channels or properties.

This seems like as good a place as any to link this highly relevant clip from yesterday's episode of The Soup: http://youtu.be/FNDnv0j_xvE

Best thing that ever could have happened.

Yeah, I forgot to add Jedi Chris, who seems like a good dude (if slightly touched with a bit of that-weird-unintentional-arrogance-of-nerds-that-I-can't-adequately-describe-but-if-you're-commenting-on-the-AV-Club-you-probably-know-what-I'm-talking-about).

I vacillate between liking Bev despite/because of her incredible uptight-ness and finding her completely insufferable.

The whole "straight dudes can't like musicals" thing never made sense to me. I happily participated in all my school's musicals, and not because it meant that I was one of the few straight guys in an environment in which attention-seeking girls with the bodies of dancers were constantly walking around in a state of

I don't know if this is an unusually unlikeable bunch; the editors might just be giving the annoying ones the most screentime. (At the very least, Dakota, Horny Chris, Ty-Lor, Grayson, and Paul all seem to be relatively decent humans, and five is a fairly good number of non-execrable people for this show to have.) I

Chris C's commentary doesn't bother me that much because he's kind of a goofball, and he also spends time talking about the handsomeness of the male guest judges. He's kind of like what would happen if The Todd became a chef instead of a surgeon.

I believe this to be an accurate statement.

I like some dubstep (Flux Pavilion is particularly great), but I was mostly just using it as an excuse to post that video, because Nonstop dances like…well, @MesotheleonaHelmsley:disqus  said it best below.

Those dresses were doing their own fair share of cleavage-maximization.

What are the odds that the producers were screen-testing prospective "Real Housewives of Dallas" castmembers?

I hate that they referenced that noxious song for an episode title.

Sonofabitch, you're right. So the bonus for "Fuck You" cancels out the deduction for "Billionaire", and we're back to normal-hate.

Liev Schreiber has an intense, cerebral version of smarm—like if a
bottle of Macallan had deeply held opinions about Shakespeare, and you
were afraid to leave it alone with your girlfriend

I thought his compliment—while it certainly could easily be seen as tone-deaf writing—was both in-character and deeply sad. These are two people who, as you say, are both from a chattel slavery system; that he still thinks in a kind of commercial, market mentality when valuing a person he obviously feel affection