Awesome Brain Powers

I agree (and think your criticism of Annie's general stagnation is at least partially fair). I think part of it might be because Annie's character is very young, yet Alison Brie is very…there's no way for me to say it without sounding like a cad, so I'll put it like this: They can't really reinforce Annie's age

Careful—it's going to malfunction and turn on you at least, like, a dozen times a year.

He belongs to the stars now.

Regarding your first paragraph: We are going to fight some day.

B? B?! Your opinion is incorrect, and now we are enemies.

Not when it's an Alien movie written by Joss Whedon.

I've missed most of the last season. I watched this episode, thinking I'd maybe pick it up again, but now I think I'll just put it back down.

Malkovich, malkovich.

Me too, actually. I tend to find comedy more rewarding when it's part of a real narrative arc (instead of a kind of lazy framing device).

She does; she hid them in a box at the bottom of a stack of boxes in a storage room somewhere (this was three or four episodes ago).

Yeah, I figured she was a goner as soon as Tara mentioned she was bringing a  redshirt with her.

Totally. Like @avclub-489a1a5a7c5448798258fc543fa53173:disqus mentioned above, that scene was excellently acted by both Hunnam and Perlman.

Yeah, that kiss was the exact moment any sympathy I had for Gemma evaporated.

When Jax reacted to that "Doctor pussy" line, it was the first time I honestly believed he could be a legitimate mortal threat to Clay (instead of merely a political one).

I admit my comment didn't have the same consideration and gravitas of "Fuck this guy with sandpaper", but let's don't stoop to ad hominems, yeah?

I generally like this, but Williams is both smart and engaging, so I'd really prefer it if they cut down the number of segments (to say…two) and allotted more time for the post-segment discussion.

I skipped a few seasons (5, 6, and 7, I think), so I'm still kind of stunned by how quickly House has gone from riveting TV to "great thing to have on while I do other stuff".

I'm not saying it automatically launches him into caricature territory; saying the Kaddish over the body via video just seems a kind of…melodramatic, I guess…way of establishing a baseline of decency.

I tend to agree, though I hesitate to embrace this explanation, since the show's so successfully kept him from being a one-dimensional Paragon of Virtue so far (e.g., he was incredibly intimidating when he went off on Carrie for treating him "like a mark" a few episodes back).