Awesome Brain Powers

She's behaving like an operative. She wants to continue gathering intel on Brody, but her surveillance has been pulled. That means human sources, and who better than the subject himself?

Hmm…yeah, that's viable. I'm still not sure any explanation Brody has for lying about Nasir will be satisfying if he ends up not being turned, but really, as long as the show keeps being this good, I don't mind overly much.

Didn't we watch his corpse get thrown into (and buried in) a grave Brody dug?

On the one hand, I like that the show hasn't committed to Brody being a terrorist or not yet. On the other, they showed a flashback where Brody kills a fellow prisoner (Walker, I think?) at the behest of Abu Nasir, and they had Brody lie about ever meeting him. These are not things an innocent man does.

Right? I can't tell if he means it or not. I kind of hope he's not a troll—just because I don't want to give him any kind of praise or credit—but if he is, in fact, being serious, that might be the most hilariously perfect dramatic irony I've ever seen on this site.

Uli didn't deserve to win the first time she was on, and she still doesn't now, in her hotter, Sino-Caribbean incarnation.

A moderator needs to approve my comment?!

I liked Studio 60—only long after it aired, though, as my sense of disappointment overwhelmed everything else upon first viewing.

Honestly, I kind of hope they just kill all the current characters off at the end of this season and start the third with an all new cast and writing staff. Maybe once Breaking Bad finishes up, AMC can pressgang that team into giving The Walking Dead interesting, three-dimensional characters and compelling personal

January Jones keeps luring them to her gingerbread house and eating them.

Bullet retailers, probably.

Lennie James is just so awesome, he overshadows the rest of the cast. He also had an immediate, visceral, vital conflict (his zombie-wife) that he really sold the shit out of.

Shaun of the Dead had a more-or-less happy ending.

I think mine is "The Sucklord is named The Sucklord, as opposed to Jazz-Minh, who is named that."

Lola's the hot-without-knowing-it one, like what's her name who made all those brownish things and had the flirtation with Miles last year.

Episode grade: B-

I thought the same thing. I'd really like to see Miles as a perpetually-irritated CIA analyst.

I hope next season is all about how Jesse and Hank put their differences aside and team up to take down the villainous Walt.

It was. And that took some serious effort, considering everyone looks like models and Kate spends the climax of the first episode naked.