Awesome Brain Powers

Probably—future-River's still "saved" as data in the mainframe's digital world, after all.

I think she does. ("Rule Number One: The Doctor lies, and so do I. All the time.")

Nah, he wouldn't have used a Flesh avatar—the Flesh was alive enough to respond in some base empathic way (in the vat), which means it's alive enough for The Doctor to want to protect it from harm.

On the other hand, if other people didn't appreciate it more than you did, how would you fulfill your daily quota for smug sneering?

As much as I love Karen Gillan, Rory is easily my favorite Companion.

You know, while it was a lot of fun, something about it just felt a little…rushed, I guess is the best word. Several moments in the episode hit this grand crescendo, but some of them just didn't feel earned.

Six seasons and a movie.

I would agree with you, but I'm too busy hyperventilating.

That's a fair point about wooden-Olivia in S1, but I think two issues were working against the success of that choice (if it was a choice—and I hope it was, because I like that take on it):

I'll not succumb to your call for internet whorebaggery!

Also, what about Chibs' old lady, Fiona? And their bi-racial daughter?

The look of bored disdain on both Trejo and Aceveda's faces when the Russians were shooting at them was priceless.

I gave up on this show…I don't remember when, exactly, but I know that things had gotten ridiculously convoluted and William Hurt was someone with a terrible secret and too much gravitas.

I think spending a season (or half-season, at least) with them inside could be really interesting, but really, really difficult to do. Splitting the cast like that risks seriously stagnating a lot of plotlines.

Fuck, I already have to deal with that shit on Reddit, can't this be a place where we come to shit on stupid pop culture together, free from politics? Please?

I know, right?!

They were, but then they stuck around because money.

I swear to god, until I googled it just now, I thought all the pictures I'd seen of "Kreayshawn" were just photoshopped amalgams of Amy Winehouse and Casey Anthony. Like a really weird, morbid meme or something.

No money in the budget for a big, round room.

I'm not quite as satisfied with it as Todd is, but it has the potential to be very good, and it's definitely much better than its promos would lead you to believe.