Awesome Brain Powers

Catelyn, Catherine, whatever. You know who I meant.

The whole point is that Ned is an honorable man, and honorable men don't kill children (which is exactly why he told Cersei—so that she could run the fuck away before Robert killed her and her bastard children).

Here's the thing that got me, though:

The Khal is going to rape your towns and pillage your women for saying that.

I never would have expected that Khal Drogo would be one of my favorite characters.

Yeah, inaccurate regional pronunciations are the biggest problem this show has…

That's odd. I have the original BBC1 airing, and it's only 45 minutes long, so I wonder why they'd do that.

Does Doctor Who air on Saturdays in Australia? If so, maybe you're a week behind because the UK gets to see it first, so they have to delay you a week?

Tone and humor
At first I was tut-tutting about the remarkably juvenile and idiotic tone in these comments.

The real kicker to that line, though, was when she said something like "Do you really think I had any intention of returning you?"

I've got to say, lines like the one Neptuny quotes above, or his monologue in The Big Bang when he says (among other things): "I'll be a story in your head. But that's OK: we're all stories, in the end. Just make it a good one, eh? Because it was, you know, it was the best: a daft old man, who stole a magic box and

"You're not the TARDIS; you're a bitey mad woman."

YES. The line about biting was the best line in an astonishingly strong script.


I find FF4 comparable to Chrome in speed (and faster in some instances), plus Chrome is really fucking retarded about when it updates its cache, so realtime updates (things like Facebook feed or this comments section) are more reliable in FF4.

Ignoring pissy anonymous internet complainers (especially those who have apparently been in a coma for the last 20 years and still think ending a sentence with "NOT!" passes for any kind of pointed rejoinder) with a comically over-developed sense of entitlement is always a great idea for everyone.

Only when it's referencing someone being mean to Tyler Perry.

I take issue with that statement, considering it's from Ecclesiastes. Seriously. Something like 4,000 years ago, some guy that had never heard of running water, electricity, engines, and probably still viewed geometry as some form of witchcraft said some bonehead thing, and we're *still* quoting it like it's wisdom?

If memory serves
This sets up pretty much the same major plot points as the UK's second series.

An elephant never forgets, so my dick remembers everything.