Awesome Brain Powers

No one directs GRAVITY'S RAINBOW—they shouldn't fucking touch it.

Casey Barteau

In before "Walrus, not whales"
I don't tend to laugh out loud while watching TV, but I did so several times at this episode (Liz's "MY PERIOD!" pratfall in the cold open was terrific physical comedy).

Oh, also:
Nurse Nora? HUGE UPGRADE over the UK's Nina.

I'm really conflicted about this show (well, about as conflicted as I can be over something this trivial).

On the one hand, I celebrate this popular victory, which we achieved without any profanity or troll-language (it's just like in Egypt!).

1. News of that tweet makes me incredibly happy.

Yeah, I completely agree: painting what is basically a "love conquers all" plot with quantum entanglement doesn't exactly deflect from the cheese-factor of the "love conquers all" plot itself. (Which is why I think this episode earned a B.)

Yeah, I thought that this was the best they've handled the Peter/Ourlivia angst—except for "Marionette", of course.

I actually think Franco is O'Neal's muse—his Franconic posts are some of his very best.

More incredibly hot redheaded entomologist, please.

Don't know if this makes anything better for any of you, but after browsing through io9's ridiculously detailed breakdown of the trailer (here: http://goo.gl/dTXIS), a few things to clear up:

If there are things that drastically change the character's meaning or motivation, I could understand the anger, but stuff like when someone developed a secondary mutation isn't exactly important.

Who cares? There's plenty of shit parts of Marvel cannon, too. As long as it's good, I don't mind if they stray from the comics some.

Way Late has achieved victory in commenting.

Sure, it would mean that the value "OTHER favorite parts" would include everything but the title sequence, which was already established as my favorite part by the title.

My favorite part of the episode
…was seeing that Walton Goggins is now a regular cast member, credited in the opening title sequence and everything.

A lot of that (and not just the bullet points) reads like the result of a game of darts played on a wall of business-speak magnetic poetry (which is real and here: http://goo.gl/9h6nf).

Clear sign I'm not right for this job:
Most of that job listing smashes into my brain like a Phil Spector-esque (Phil Spectral?) wall-of-sound constructed entirely from "new media" buzzwords.