Awesome Brain Powers

You should read Tom Colicchio's blog on Bravo's geocities page—it really clears up this kind of thing. The pertinent quote this time: "Kenny is lucky that Tamesha's dish was so stunning a miss".

Tell us how you really feel
Man, he might be a good cook, but I'm so, so fucking tired of listening to Kenny talk about how awesome he is. Astonishingly, I hate this more than Angelo's food-humping sexytalk and Alex's food-humping creepiness put together.

@Jason: I want to simultaneously boo and applaud you for "go for baroque".

I've long argued that the style of his writing in the New Crobuzon books is there to enhance the setting—sort of like Joss Whedon's use of Mandarin in "Firefly". But yeah, I can understand that kind of reaction.

Wow, one hour later and it's fixed. Fast work, that, Tasha…IF THAT IS YOUR REAL NAME.

This interview kind of puts to rest the argument of whether his diction is a put-on or not. Motherfucker really does seem to talk this way. I'm sure, if given more time to talk, he would've described something as "sepia-toned" or sounding like a "susurrus".

Man, I'm tired of Angelo making "sexy" chicken or "sexy" applesauce or whatever. However, the way the others seem to act towards him (and some of the things he was saying to them) makes me wonder if he isn't a much nicer guy than the editing shows.

"And introducing Don Johnson" should tell you all you need to know.

Fuck that shit. Banner is (literally) a dangerously-introverted man, not a scenery-chewing caricature that's all gnashing teeth and waggling eyebrows.

Casting wishlist: Go!
Jeremy Davies
Cillian Murphy
John Hawkes
Jackie Earle Haley (maybe a little old, but whatevs)

I didn't think they revisited the green bean thing between CJ's conversation with Charlie and the scene in the Oval Office at the end, but now that belief is cast into doubt, and me at work without the ability to check. (Curses!)

Two great episodes
I'm usually not one to nitpick the details in these summaries, but:

Monkey farts in an empty clamshell
This episode was fucking garbage. I've read both Tom and Eric's blogs about this episode, and I still can't tell if the winner was chosen from the overall entries or just the final three. If the latter…I guess I get why it went down that way, but it's still horseshit.

No, his parents names him China. On purpose. I mean…his sister's name is Jemima, so there's clearly some questionable decisionmaking going on there.

Liam Neeson sees what you did there.


Poor, Psychic Tracey
God, I really, really didn't like Tracey. I'm so glad she got the boot. She laughs at everything she says and talks to herself incessantly. Even if she didn't claim to be clairvoyant (not psychic…), that would be enough.

No, what Judith did was fucking retarded.

@LAB Ass:
I am very much in the food-over-drama camp, but even if you want drama, TOP CHEF provides plenty of it—unexpected dish failures, malfunctioning equipment, crazy-ass contestants making crazy-ass choices, and judges being mean to people—without relying on shrill politicking and bitchy sniping between

Calculating or not, Miles is the only worthwhile part of this show for me (besides Jaclyn's proclivity for taking her clothes off, I guess).