Awesome Brain Powers

Ugh, teamwork
I generally hate group challenges on TOP CHEF, because they inevitably devolve into bickering, finger-pointing, and stupid attempts at gaming the system. In essence, it turns TOP CHEF into SURVIVOR, only I don't watch SURVIVOR because stupid, petty people behaving in stupid, petty ways don't interest me.

I mean, yeah, shit like YOUNGBLOOD and SPAWN and X-EVERYTHINGEVERILOVEMONEY totally eclipsed all the good 90s comics in my memory, too (while mad was replying, I was looking things up to make sure they were actually released in the 90s, since I read almost all of them in collected form in the 00s). Such is the

SANDMAN started in 89, sure, but most of it was 90s (and if I were to assign its themes/mood to a decade, it'd sure as shit be the 90s over the 80s).

The Witchblade is designed for two purposes, and two purposes only: creating unwieldy and improbable stabbing weapons and covering as little skin as possible.

Assuming you aren't being sarcastic, define "lasting". Do you mean "able to withstand the test of time"? If so, I submit:

Fuck it; I'd watch that
You know what? That makes a lot of sense to me.

Emily Proctor and Amanda Peet
I generally agree with you about Emily Proctor, Steve, but I thought Amanda Peet was one of the best parts of STUDIO 60 (right after Steven Weber).

"Is there anyone in the world you'd want as a blood enemy LESS than Sam?"

Dealing with Tony
Re: not killing the guy when you have the chance.

The fact that she says incredibly stupid things and then gives a jowl-shaking, self-satisfied laugh is enough to make me hate the one from Georgia forever.

They had at least one line cook: the chubby white guy with curly hair who always sounded like the voiceover that opens Weezer's "Undone". I completely forget his name and what season he was in, but I remember that Tom hated his guts until he got eliminated for something stupid.

Also that show by that guy that did THE WIRE.

The sandwiches don't need to be *good*. They just need to be brought to me, so I don't need to get out of my recliner.

I hope someone prepares turkey for Nancy Pelosi, just to see how she reacts.

1. I won't deny that a lot of the male chefs seem pretty sexist, but…

I always found Bartlet's "They tried to lynch Charlie right in front of us; can you believe that?" pretty patronizing in a way. Maybe patronizing is the wrong word, but it's struck the wrong chord in me every time I've watched that episode.

For reals. I'm not one to talk at my TV, but when I was watching Season Two (on DVD, because I missed it when it aired) and got to the end of the finale, I said "Oh, fuck you, you son of a bitch" and immediately walked down to Tower Records and bought Season Three.

"You're fucking this up so hard right now that if you do manage to win, it won't be because of anything you've done. In fact, it will be DESPITE yourself."

So true about Mandy. I first watched this series on DVD, and I watched basically all of Season One and then immediately went into Season Two, and I didn't even notice Mandy was gone until I was into Season Three.

Holy fuck, you're so right, madbeatnk.