Awesome Brain Powers

I like the sentiment, but I just can't trust Jackson to not devolve into caricature (especially in the unsteady hands of Carnahan).

Preacher is (mostly) great. Indifference is the safest way to avoid heartbreak, though.

I'm actually remaining cautiously pessimistic. I thought a movie of THE LOSERS would be awesome, but it sucked out loud.

Or Ben Kingsley, channeling his character from Sexy Beast.

It picks up right at "In Which We Meet Mr. Jones", which was episode 7. It's not really all that great before that, but it picks up then, and doesn't really stop being great until the beginning of S2, and after a few early-season stumbles, it rockets off and doesn't stop, and by the end of the second season, very

It wasn't Smokey who was going to kill everyone: rather, the threat he posed was the destruction of The Island and the loosing of all that raw, unguided Power into the world.

Actually, Retro, you should watch FRINGE. They've answered most of the mysteries they've already set up, and new developments come *from* the characters' actions. Thinking back on the Season Two finale, I can't think of anything that left me thinking "but wait, what about [mystery/event/detail]?" Instead, I was mostly

That's fair, Fritzy-poo, but my (LOST-apologizer) response would be one of two things:

Oscar, that's exactly the point: the gun WAS fired. The shooting, as it were, was the constant struggle between opposing viewpoints (push the button vs. don't push the button; go back vs. don't go back; etc etc…you get the point). Trying to give an answer to a lot of these things would be like taking the gun apart

@Oscar Leroy: You're really going out of your way to be as dense as possible. Why bother watching this show if you were really just looking for "Ouch, My Balls!" ?

That is a much better analogy than any I had managed to come up with, pjstork.

Shit, kid, you must think Catcher in the Rye is just about profanity, for all that you can read into narrative.

Nflchampion, are you sure *you're* reading these comments right, really at all? More than a few people have talked about how the Alternaverse was clever about its play with time (or timelessness), which implies that they understood that those people didn't all die at the same time. So simmer down, Hoss, because there

Agree completely with Lone.

Retro, with all your crying so far, I've got to say: if you get THIS worked up about a TV show, chances are you've wasted a lot more than 6 years.

Yeah, I teared up at basically every single "revelation" scene (particularly the couples' revelations). Not only did I realize how emotionally invested I was, but I thought some of the acting was astonishingly good: Sun's look of helpless joy, Juliette's…oh man, I 'm even tearing up thinking about Juliette holding on

There was no way—none—to answer all of the mysteries presented by this show in a satisfying way. Could they have answered more? Sure. But just because they didn't lead to a magical fairy-tale answer doesn't mean they were worthless.

1. The kid who plays Walt is like 6 feet tall now and looks much older. It wouldn't have worked with him there.

Wow, thanks Most Interesting Man. I didn't even realize that Fox had pictures up.

Damn, I totally forgot that fear was her trigger (and that it made her set fire to her room at the clinic). Good points, steffs and SFW.