Arturo R. Garcia

And the one photo they have has some wookiee’s paw just inside the frame, and you keep clicking it, and it ain’t an Ewok.

Jesus Christ! I read all the remaining posts in a Boston accent.

I went to college with 0:17. That’s all I’ve got.

When Bill Burr is on the show, we call it Stahh Wars.

Great recap of an overall good, fun episode, but you failed to mention Mayfeld’s Office Space reference when he tried to rescue Mando from Hess:

Imperials with Southern accents wierd me out

My favorite CYA explanation is that it’s Star Wars Captcha, and it’s literally just making sure you’re not a robot.

I agree the “face scan not as a security measure to make sure you’re an imperial/who you say you are, but instead just to make sure you’re not an outlaw” is inherently dumb.

sonic depth charges FTW!

Line of the episode from Boba, “Let’s just say they’d recognize my face.”


The Mandalorian will have justified its own existence for this alone. 

He’s the anti-Gus, who was the best boss ever (at least to his fast food employees).

This episode is tied with The Jedi as my favorite. And Morrison is killing it. I got a real Manu Bennett vibe from when he was Deathstroke. 

I hope all future Grogu figures comes with baby handcuffs included

It was nice that they finally let Boba Fett do something useful and cool in a Star Wars story.  He’s been skating on his reputation for 40 years now.

The number of time Mando stopped short of saying “my child” instead of “the child” was a nice touch.

Moff Gideon doesn’t get out the teeny tiny baby handcuffs unless he knows he needs them.

I gotta admit I was extremely iffy about bringing back Fett. But god damn it worked. Morrison being too old for the role was nicely sidestepped by his sarlacc digestion scars, and there were some real neat tricks up his sleeves (watch those knee rockets!). Those incredibly brutal armour smashing blows from his (sand

The only question she should have asked Gordon Ramsay is “Why did you think you could do a copycat show of Anthony Bourdain?”.  And a follow up of “Why did you think you could even attempt to pull that off?”