All hail to Din Djarin, our new Disney Prince.
All hail to Din Djarin, our new Disney Prince.
Sasha has a ladder match coming up, I think. Wonder if she kept the jetpack.
Us old-school fans still prefer to use the full name, thank you: New Kids On The Bossk!
The existence of Bill Burr in the Star Wars universe implies the existence of a Star Wars equivalent of Boston, a hive of scum and villainy like nowhere else in the galaxy.
“Click on each photo that has an Ewok.”
The depiction of the ancient Jedi temple as a Stonehenge-type structure, blended with Grogu sitting in a classic meditation posture, is the kind of lore I like to geek out on.
On the flipside, he’s surprisingly good with kids! (When not having them shackled and probed, of course. But who among us AMIRITE?)
So far as we know!
Agreed. Ryan & Graham’s story ended pretty solidly in “Resolution.” Time for Yaz to get the spotlight.
But this time they’re government contractors ... erm, again!
I ended up looking Inosanto up after seeing her and liking her work in this episode and was pleasantly surprised, so kudos to Mike for providing that to us here.
On the other hand, gang, be wary: anybody who would willingly do a shot of Malort cannot be trusted.
Very fucking carefully!
Not just his Force abilities -- those bodies need to be finely honed to contain his unrelenting Sheev appeal.
I see we’ve been to similar parties!
Where’s Greef Karga when you need him? “I, too, sometimes find our friend unpalatable.”
To echo a sentiment I saw on another board: Favreau’s boldest choice may have been not titling this episode “Krayt Expectations.”