Arturo R. Garcia

That poor independent contractor! /Randal

To be honest, I’m surprised she’d keep the SuperBangs 

I can kinda handwave it — first instinct was probably to go and get confirmation like an actual reporter would. I don’t remember seeing him interact with any non-Obsidian people very much other than Kara, and who knows what he knows about what Alex and J’onn do.

Either the show is the best show in broadcast history and Zack is a paid shill for Big Star Wars and hates Trek in general

If I had to bet right now who’s sticking around, it’d be: Sara, Ava, Nate, and probably Behrad. This is the part where I repeat my call for Anissa Pierce to slide over now that Freeland is part of the Ollieverse proper and give the team a new hitter. 

I realized, right after watching this episode, another layer of significance to Nate joining the team. Whereas the first season had Ray trying to keep up with the well-established Mick/Snart duo, Nate’s entry meant Mick had to be the one commenting on the tighter friendship. (Not that Ray and Nate excluded Mick,

I did like that Ray and Sara got to represent the Legends in the latest Crisis and get a little hang time at the bar before everything went sideways. Him grabbing a selfie with a perplexed Barry and Kara in mid-battle was an instant classic.

And if any two people would have a BroSlack it’d be Nate and Ray. 

I was going to say, it’s a little surprising that that bit of guilt hasn’t stuck with him that heavily

Kara’s down with the struggle - she watched The Wire!

As Kara sympathizes, being the good guy sucks sometimes; yet it’s a hero’s refusal to sink to the level of their enemies that sets them apart and allows them to serve as an inspiration to others.

Kate: “I just killed a man.”

Mick: “No harm, no foul I say. Drink?” 

Shit, this is awesome! Thank you! 

Somebody Photoshop THE SPEED FORCE on the tombstone for me, please

Well if she pops up with an Evil Goatee you might be proven right! Here’s to hoping 

Desperation, perhaps? Maybe this is Thawne’s last shot at averting the run-in with the Black Racer from Legends?

That last point is just really ironic in light of Comics!Ollie’s observation that Superman and Batman, the big guns, were always there for the fight but rarely there for the aftermath. 

Yeah, but is Slam even a recurring character? How many of those officers are? It’s also tough to have a show trading on Batlore without somebody even mentioning whether Jim Gordon took a sabbatical.