Arturo R. Garcia

I’m not sure if it goes that far -- IIRC the president said in her address that Oliver stopped the Anti-Monitor’s attack. That said, I could see a church pop up through that pretense as well. 


And then there’s the one where he’s never born because his parents take in some kid who crash-landed in the yard, instead. 

Ah good, thank you for the context! 

But of course he’d end up clicking with the former nurse. Once Ravio said, “I like strange,” I started counting down to whatever horrible fate awaits her. 

Considering it’s a set-up piece I thought this episode was smart to coast on the tension, but it sure toed the line toward overkill a few times. It was interesting, though, to see a Doctor’s best-laid plans get trounced at the very outset. Thirteen’s had to do more uphill battles than most of her more recent

The in-show explanation was that all the Paragons retained their memories of the Crisis; J’onn brought their other allies up to speed via Martian mind whammy. 

Always reassuring to know she wasn’t farting in their general direction! 

Maybe the biggest saving grace for the period leading up to One Year Later was that it developed the idea that the various hero teams were at least communicating with one another and exchanging notes. 

They absolutely have to get a Latinx writer onboard, though; the sub-telenovela level Spanish here made my ears bleed.

If nothing else the reframing of Loring in this setting should reassure viewers (hopefully) that they won’t be doing an Identity Crisis crossover.

Even without killing Beth off, I have to agree here -- I’m suffering from Alice fatigue. Gotham is rife enough with villains, let’s cycle some more new ones in. 

They could trim some SFX budget and shoot it Office-style:

Nora: I’m not sure about our new manager ...
CUT TO Ollie drinking from a mug saying YOU HAVE FAILED THIS HEAVEN

What is Alex’s job at the Tower? Private investigator?

Journalist or not, I hope Kate beats William’s ass. 

Overall a good rebound this week, especially with the finale looming. I liked Lily Miller’s turn as Mary, and Mary’s easy rapport with Ryan.

I guess I’m a little surprised that we got this far into the team’s run before the Doctor had to explain how the structure really works. Eleven broke it down for Amy like what,

So you’re saying this movie was about ethics in online communication? ::ducking:: 

Fair point! I’ve heard horror stories from friends about this very thing. 

Now as to what sort of deity/authority is deciding which kids she’s getting pinned to and when she gets breaks, that’s a mystery.

Sliiiiight disagreement: Recommend the first couple of eps if only to see the team form and for Sara dancing to Captain & Tenille and kicking off her amazing evolution.