Frosty life-coaching Amunet onto the straight and narrow could be fun!
Frosty life-coaching Amunet onto the straight and narrow could be fun!
Yet it’s faithful to N.W.A’s in-canon ethos!
Ooh, I have a lampshade for this! What if the cap is the local equivalent of earbuds at the gym -- a little signal of wanting some privacy? Jitters and Central City are probably inured enough to metas now (witness the publicly bioluminescent drummer in Allegra’s Ex’s Emo Band) that it could be a thing.
I thought I couldn’t like Amunet any more, but she’s a cat person and she thinks Radiohead is overrated? New Villain Crush confirmed!
For a second, I really thought she was going to bust the Cards of Appropriate Dialogue out again. But oh man, the explanation for that would’ve been worse for poor Graham, no?
GRAHAM: So where did you get those?
DOCTOR: My friend Clara, she made them for me
GRAHAM: And where’s she, then?
DOCTOR: ... I’m going to lean…
Fair to imagine that it’s tied in with her own refusal to share/deal with the revelations concerning both Gallifrey and this new (old?) version of herself.
For an episode that opens on a hospital renowned for its progressive mental health treatments,“Can You Hear Me?” curiously downplays the importance of therapy and medication. Instead, its big lesson seems to be “Talk to you friends about your problems!” which is definitely a good and important reminder, but also one…
So what’s the odds somebody on the show even brings up the parallel between the Federation’s treatment of the Romulans in the recent past and its initial reaction to the Praxis explosion of 2293?
Ever take an Uber on Q’onoS? The drivers don’t get five stars unless they beat you in ritual combat.
Tom, I’m a little surprised you didn’t even mention the sequel:
This summer, you’ll discover the Rainbow Disconnection
Totally! After busting my head on a pole playing football in school, who the hell needs Fight Club?
Given that Barry and Jefferson have their own budding friendship I’m also hoping for the Wests and the Pierces to get their own Cookout episode. Jeff and Joe bonding over dealing with their kids’ shit would be a good scenery-chewing exercise for Williams and Martin.
Honestly, my favorite moment of the episode was the look on Sara’s face watching Ava live her life for a couple of minutes on stage. Such a supportive girlfiend.
Good on you to mention this; something that’s been bugging me about the Crisis ending; when Superman compliments Barry for the idea of having their Hall of Justice, Barry says, “Thanks, Superman” with just a tinge of fanboying. It’s the teensiest wink, but it does corroborate your point about the re-jiggered timeline…
I guess it’s only fitting that Barry, who assembled the SuperFriends and granted them the hangout spot, would be the one to at least ask about getting the DEO to help him and Diggle even if their quest turned out to be emotional rather than physical.
That said, I just about lost my mind at Cisco not deducing that this…
I agree; Scott should be investigated for impinging on the religious freedom granted to us by Beebo post haste. SHAME THE NON-BELIEVER!
Quite surprisingly, this movie ended up giving me one of my favorite filmgoing experiences.
I saw it at a radio station’s free screening in San Diego. Including me, the crowd was oh, about 75 percent Mexican/Mexican-American.
Cut to the scene in which Branaugh reveals that his “evil plan” involves returning Califas…
As a fan of both Luther and Misfits from back in the day, I was already chuffed seeing Brown and McNulty show up. But I have to admit, the big save at the end did make me smile for their characters, those two crazy kids.
It was like the more grown-up version of what the Legends were dealing with.