
Go fig, this episode confirmed Dave Meltzer's theory that A-Ri would have done better in the '80s. An Eddie & the Cruisers* gimmick works for the guy.

You can't tell me that's not a Tony Stark design, knowing what we know about that universe.

I'm desperately trying to justify placing this in Lucha Underground canon. Dario as an evil enemy promoter would make Season 2 money.

The biggest surprise for me in this episode was that they actually managed to make the David McLane stand-in … not total sleaze. Yet.

Let me be the first to call for a Krysten Ritter guest-spot. JessicaVsJessica needs to happen.

Ooooh boy. Great episode, but I'm of two minds about the reveals being laid out ahead of time. While it's true that Simm's arrival as the Master was advertised ahead of time, it's tantalizing to imagine not having that information this time around. You can say the same about the Cybermen reveal. After all, the episode

There's certainly that, but NJPW can pitch him on matches with:

Wrestling Observer's theory today was that the MITB angle was done specifically to set up a televised rematch in hopes of improving SDL's rating. So take that as you will.

Not just that, but they came out without any sort of explanation for why they would jump Fashion Nine-Nine (or even confirming that it was them).

More like an Anne-Dango Lite sort of thing.

No surprise, the (fashion) police were over in St. Louis.

It's a testament to both Gomez and Capaldi that I came away with a feeling of sadness after he let go of her hands.

In canon? No idea. But apparently the creative team's reasoning is that both shows can use him since he's one of the few legit draws left.

Eh, not out of line with their little chat at the end of "Lie of the Land" if she means he'd like a bunch of humans getting waxed for not doing better.

Definitely. Another one of the misfires in that arc when it's all said and done.

While it didn't address imperialism head-on (perhaps for the better), Godsacre's arc did give us a man willingly giving up war — and its corrupting nature, illustrated by Catchlove — to help Mars' indigenous peoples make their way. And under the leadership of a woman, to boot.

Possible! At the very least he can summon up enough energy to make a party trick out of it, I guess.

Just a theory here, but it depends on how much he remembers from his time in the Time Lord prison from "Heaven Sent." By all rights he should have been shell-shocked forever from that.

Russell T. Davis has outright said Thirteen's been selected.

In the strictest sense, you're not wrong since his memories of Clara have been wiped.