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I read it as, it was odd that she would ask that and mean it.

Odd all over, yes, and part of me still thinks Missy is going to take a bullet for him. You also have RTD saying publicly that Thirteen has been chosen.

While accounting for the faults Alasdair mentioned, this did end up having some heart behind it, what with Godsacre redeeming himself (cue the Godsaxxa shippers!) and the Ice Warriors getting their First Contact moment.

At least she didn't think they meant the Ice Cube movie?

I’m more than a little cross we didn’t get to see Missy and Nardole as the demented TARDIS team we all deserve.

I could see it being fairly simple if, say, Big E applies a chinlock to Breeze.

I agree with LaToya's assessment of the promo overall, but I can't say I was disappointed to see Naomi putting some Uce in her work.

At this point they're building toward Fabreeze's inner monologue being played over the PA during a match.

"Money in the Benetton" could've been some interesting branding.

Man, did that episode deflate in a hurry. I love Missy and all, but there was little reason for her to get more screentime and more of a chance to explain the Monks' methodology than the characters themselves.

That scene SLAYED me for years.

True, but it's easier to disguise that when he's around guys his size. And Enzo's mic work can pick up the storytelling slack in return.

I think Enzo could be a good 205 Live player, since he stands out from the other guys and can play up the "puncher's chance" against the likes of Neville.

I would imagine that, per the simulation, "of course" the Doctor would say that - the Monks would guess that he'd say that in order to stop his associate regardless of their position.

Not for nothing, but the shot of Bill with the gun and the Doctor apparently taking a hit seems to line up with the scene from the season preview showing what appears to be regeneration energy.

Especially if Scotland goes independent in the Veepverse.

That would have to be in the series finale, no? Hell, give me the return of Jamie McDonald at least.

Long as nobody prays, I'm good.

As secure as a hymen in a South London comprehensive!