
One thing that was awkward-funny: early on in the episode every time they'd switch back to Luke the background music practically announced THIS IS THE URBAN SHOW EVERYBODY.

That and Karen having "pretty much free rein." GTFO with that.

There's a scene in the latest trailer where Luke and Jessica toast. So they might move toward a reconciliation as the show goes on.

I'd love it if they did Miz/Jordan as this generation's version of HonkyTonk/Warrior at the first Summerslam. I would, however, put Dean and Seth up against the Hardys and split up that tag situation a little.

Corey hates Sampson because he thinks of him as a poser — and one from Pittsburgh, no less. Same thing (the poser thing, not the Pittsburgh thing) that had him hating Becky before she embraced the steampunk look.

The friendship between Vigilante and Shining Knight was maybe my favorite "minor" subplot from this show.

That was almost an outright heel promo it was such a drag. Or maybe WWE just corrupts everyone it touches.

One thing that I think helped salvage the main event somewhat: Joe was back up and glowering at Brock almost immediately. It got across that it was a flash pin, and not an utter domination. Joe will get this win back, I'm confident.

There's also the ongoing hope that Sean Pertwee will step into his father's smoking jacket as the Third Doctor.

IIRC, he was leading with the bookies prior to Matt Smith's selection, no?

You're correct. But that was one theory I had going into this affair.

The only misstep, I felt, was her telling Harry that she was joining Twelve "because he's right." If she had said, "Because I want my friend back," that would've tied the bow together a little more neatly.

I've suspected that this story would lead to an even more vengeful incarnation of the Master. Can't imagine that "tricking" yourself into forcing yourself to kill yourself wouldn't do the trick.

Gotta disagree — I thought Twelve and Clara were the a-holes at that point (and unfortunately for her it devolved further) and Danny was the chin-check that the Doctor, in particular, needed.

Thanks and happy trails, Alasdair.

Anybody else get a Fast Times vibe out of Ruth's story in this episode?

That was always Inoki's philosophy so NJPW was using it by then.

Things for which I'm hoping after this episode:

She's not a bad gal, she's not a good gal, she's the gal.

Jim Cornette was right on this one: It's a testament to Nick Bockwinkle's all-around excellence that he had the best vocal (such as it was) on this song.