
He was like a sweaty octopus trying to unhook a bra!

We'll see. I still find the Monks to be rather one-note thus far, and going in Simm's Master was at least (in a dark sense) enough of a butcher to justify his Joker-ish presentation.

My first thought watching the preview was, it's going to be interesting to compare it to "Last of the Time Lords."

That was my first thought when the wormhole opened up. Well, that and LOL somebody's had a shit day.

The thing about this Jinder push that I don't get: if you're going to put him on a hot streak for the benefit of an India tour, how do you skip something fun in favor of Jiffy-Pop Great Khali? Like, put him back in the bright coats and end the title match with a full-on musical number?

The Usos are so good with these characters that they're looping around to being badass faces.

I guess I see the reasoning there: Lee England showed up for his TV debut, and this isn't a Big Four show. Wonder if they can rope Lindsey Sterling in for Mania.


I like a good Jinderella story as much as the next guy, but this show was flat outside of the shock value of that match (and near death of the poor Sihra boys) and Tyler Breeze, Master of Disguise.

Somebody needs to pay Capaldi ALL THE MONEY to do a dramatic reading of the Red Dwarf theme.

I don't necessarily think so. If anybody would have some sort of failsafe to watch over her partner in the event of their actual death it would be River. After all, her mom told her to look after him.

There's a video out there (which I cannot find at the moment) of Gomez sneaking up on a fan who was singing "Oh Missy you're so fine" etc. I'd never seen happiness and sheer terror mix like that on a person's face.

HOLD ON PLAYA, I'm gonna make this A TAG TEAM MATCH!

You'd be insecure, too, if you jobbed to a fridge on PPV.

Wow, wonder if the ratings will take a …
… Dive.

Even better, Kara opens the portal and ends up in the final scene from Legends this year.

Budgets and schedules be damned, I was a little disappointed they didn't throw in a line about Kara's garage door opener for Earth-1 (and Team Barry) being blocked by Daxam tech.

Thanks for adding this. Caught the initial link and I've been working through the Eighth Doctor entries. Just finished Invaders from Mars giddy because of the Spaced guest appearances.

It goes back, I think, to a promo they did before winning the titles. The gist of it is, they'd go back to dominating the division as soon as they captured the belts.

DAY ONE ISH is the hoodie I never knew I needed until the past month.