
This is why I've long felt they could do with mixing more squash matches in (at least on 205L) and integrating guys like Enzo and Kalisto who already have characters built in.

At least he'll be leaving on an upswing if this series holds up.

Gotta agree with Alasdair here — Gale and Suchet elevate what could have come off as a very awkward reveal and story shift in the last act here. That Eliza's humanity was allowed to come through in the end (rather than having Twelve sanction somebody in front of Bill) was a good choice. Of course, now when Twelve has

He's really just renovating the property to flip it later.

One thing I liked about Dean's interviews was that it humanized the other guys just a little. Even Seth fixing his hair because it "wasn't scheduled" was a nice touch. But really, it won me over the second Dean said, "Back to you Gorilla."

That was my first reading. But it could be totally mistaken.

The Four Horse-Chin?
The Hart Founda-chin?

You make a good point re: the awkward-ass writing (which leads to awkward-ass delivery). But can I see Charlotte exuding that kind of confidence if allowed to do so naturally? Definitely.

I've read (grain of salt and all) that this lighter tone on the part of JBL is part of an effort to help this latest episode blow over.

Considering that Meltzer has stated he's spoken to multiple people with their own accounts of JBL bullying him, it's safe to say there's probably fire where that smoke came from.

Maybe a vignette of her holding sway over some well-dressed guys at a high-end bar? I'm thinking like, Don Draper-level game. I mean, no reason not to include women under her spell in that type of thing either.

Going by a brief face run in NXT, her character shifts to more of a Luger-like emphasis on her as a Super Athlete in that setting. (Although I think her embracing the wine-and-dine aspects of her father's old character could be fun when she turns heel again.)

Apparently Sami/Shinsuke II is in the cards for a PPV sooner than later.

"That's why I wear the BIG WATCH" was a hell of a line for him at that stage.

There's a strong GOTG vibe running through this. But it helps that Hemsworth appears to be doing Pratt's act better than Pratt.

So after this episode, Sara's basically the Ace among heroes of her universe, right? (Give or take a stray dinosaur.)

Shane on Talking Smack re the non-draft draft: "Everything is being negotiated."

On another note, this show was a lot easier to digest without 4-5 segments of Big Steph sucking the heat out of the room.

To piggyback on Money Meltz's comment, it was Matt and Jeff Hardy on the show, but they referred to the Expedition of Gold by name. So they could just be Salt Bae'ing the Brokenverse in while the legal issues work themselves out.

I have a vibe that even in canon, Brock's title reign is on shaky ground. You've got Finn and Joe waiting in the wings on top of Rollins and Roman taking major steps forward in their own arcs.