
Much better booked and paced show compared to last year's dirge. Most of the right people won; there was a genuine WrestleMania Moment (TM) in the middle of the show with the Hardys; Naomi got the hometown-girl win; and Taker-Roman was like watching a live adaptation of Logan.

I thought that's what the chant was. I'm not entirely sure that's fair (AOP are true developmental talents and Ellering's character has been dumbed down somewhat from the 80s). I do wish, though, that they'd bring back a conceit from the early days of NXT and bring wayward main roster talent down for a cup of coffee.

Mostly everything afterward. But the BULLSHIT chant for DIY's elimination was heard loud and clear, too.

It came across on TV like the tag match deflated the crowd a bit.

There's a part of me that thinks Dillinger is taking these losses in order for the crowd to cool on him. He may have become "too popular" for his own good, a la Zack Ryder.

Great showing from Ember in terms of action, I thought. But the in-house promo style is just a brutal fit for her.

I agree with you that there's potential in what appears to be the post-Orlando roster, but man, did we get a downer of a show to kick off this phase. The only face that won, if you can call him that, is Tommy Crowley End.

My problem as a wrestling fan, though, is that the feud has ignored the stellar year Miz amassed leading up to this feud. It would be nice if Cena at least acknowledged that his sort-of brother-in-law was almost under physical threat at times from Miz.

With the right result (Seth winning) and the right match, I think Seth could be right there as an underdog challenger.

I imagine this is going to hurt.

I noticed that, too. But hell, if it gets us anywhere near a Clark/Barry hang I'm in.

"Next week: Music Meister vs. Constantine."

+1 for "disCount Vertigo."

Followed by:

Good thing for Barry he doesn't share Kara's love of The Wire.

I loved that scene. Nobody up in their feels, just three heroes working together. J'onn should at least pitch Cisco on a consulting gig.


I did like how "That usually works. Run." came out with the suit audio; I imagined James screaming it in a panic in his real voice.

I wasn't thrilled with Kara as a reporter - and she totally deserved to be fired - but there are other jobs at publications she could do.

As bad as the dojo sequences in Ep 3 were, the Pharma Bro riffs here were even more cringe-inducing.