
Rao help us if the writers hear about Tumblr before Season 3.

I think tonight was just as bad as Karen's op-ed voiceover to end Season 2.

That leads Kara to both discover the intergalactic trafficking ring and write an 8,000-word story about it, proving to Snapper Carr that following your heart is as valid a tactic as following your head.

Aries looked like Jack's Bad Influence Kermit sitting next to him.

And on top of the contract George mentioned, it looks like Insane Championship Wrestling out of Scotland could get a spot on the Network.

Gotta disagree and go with Alastair on this one. His work in the Mojo segment presented Shane's character as somebody who actually gives a damn about his talent — a clear but subtle undermining of Raw's Steph-o-Rama.


The post-game interactions between Dean and Renee were fascinating for me in the wake of last week's reveal. It definiitely adds something to her character to see the shift in her behavior here.

I agree that this episode was juggling three potentially strong stories — Twelve and Grant, Twelve and Lucy, and Twelve vs Harmony Shoals — that ultimately didn't mesh very strongly, though Charity Wakefield really brought out the best in Lucy.

My upvotes, please take them.

One Hey, it's that guy! moment I enjoyed: The informant shot early on by Cassian was Daniel Mays from the last year of Ashes To Ashes. Glad to see him, however briefly.

That and he probably got priced out of nicer planets, gentrification and all.

I thought Krennic did just enough for his situation — he was a project lead who thought he could hang with the brass, and ended up getting undone by his overconfidence on both a personal and political level.

Yup! That was totally my takeaway, too. Also seemed to inform some of Tarkin's big-timing of Krennic at every turn.

Yup, I def teared up several times throughout.

That snark struck me as something out of Kieron Gillen's version of the character.

Yup, that's why I grabbed an 8:30 am showing today.

Lily is basically a less-annoying Dawn Summers. All of the tension over her existence thus far seems to be building toward somebody (probably her) making a major sacrifice to close the season.

I do like that in their own way, the three Legionnaires also have a bro-ey chemistry. Merlyn & Dahrk razzing Thawne during the amulet reveal boosted that scene for me.

"Because good is dumb." — Dark Helmet.