
Solid installment. If I had to add another work on which to touch it would've been the original State of Play which was a pretty stacked ensemble: Nighy, John Simm, David Morrissey, Kelly MacDonald and a young James McAvoy. Nighy ended up taking a BAFTA for it.

It would solve two problems at once for Bryan to give Corbin an IC title shot, no?


No comment on Ray being the one to deliver the "She looks like my cousin" line we were all expecting? C'mon, O-Sav!

I've generally enjoyed him. But that particular interaction came off badly. Maybe they'll address it on Thursday.

I'm hoping Team Arrow joins the Legends on their mission tomorrow. But did anybody else think Nate was acting a little smugly toward Oliver, considering he basically got him on that team to begin with?

I'd like to see Rory interact with the Legends or the Flash on his own, actually.

Dude watched Kara and Barry decimate a woman shooting lasers from her eyes. That was a strategic brown-nosing on his part.

I actually said OH SHIT out loud at that sequence. No wonder Wild Dog tried kissing their ass right after.

Cisco sure seemed to think so.

If you're gonna rip off a Bat-story, do it with gusto. Strong episode. But HOLY SHIT DID KARA PUNCH THAT WOMAN FULL-BORE?

Eobard had pitched him, but Dahrk was skeptical. It wasn't until Sara clued him in on how badly his future would go that he went all-in.

The other issue is, bringing Clark and J'onn over basically nerfs this whole episode, since the latter usually built up a mindlink between everybody in JLA/JLU canon and Clark is Clark. He'd end up being team lead, and probably a good one at that.

Oliver should've knocked Cisco's ass out in the hangar over that stunt, full stop.

I think this situation would benefit from bringing Apollo Crews back for a title program. The Full Sail crowd will help rehab him and it gives him a chance to show some fire without the main roster writers around.

They didn't go in hard enough on it, but he was acting as an enforcer for a bookie. So it's shady at the very least.

Mostly with you on this one, but I do have to disagree re: the Mama Luthor reveal. For me it opens up more possibilities to have Cadmus (and the leader) free of familial ties to the more dominant families in the canon. Case in point: the DCAU reveal Amanda Waller and Emil Hamilton were involved in the project.

If it means Nathan Fillion's Vigilante palling around with Alan Tudyk as Shining Knight, I am HERE FOR IT.

Or it might have been the bodyguard who chose to stay behind and let Prince Valium Ali Wonderful He Mon-El escape.

On the bright side, it doesn't seem like Kara's writing op-eds like Karen … yet.