
I have to go back and watch, but in one of his early scenes he made a remark regarding her appearance that would never fly in an office environment.

This version of Snapper sucks. I'm a grizzled reporter from 1950's stuck in 2016!

The more I think about it, the more I wonder if it might have helped for Cottonmouth to get busted for something and thrown in jail midway through, so as to give the Mariah/Shades alliance more time to take root in the city. You avoid Diamondback and have CM in the cut as a Big Bad-in-waiting, a la Marlo Stanfield.

It could be that he acknowledges the advantage of having Jax know the ship's ins-and-outs, too. Or he just doesn't want to be bothered unless absolutely necessary. Probably a bit of both, TBH.

Which came off really badly in the premiere, given all that they overcame (and lost) in the final fight with the Masters. They earned some slack and Rip still treated them like rookies.

I miss Darvill, sure, but Rip showed no signs of progression in the premiere.

Yeah, Rip might be better served as founder of a new order of Time Masters eventually.

Watch, they're gonna end up in a dystopian future where Jitters controls the Earth. Then they'll wish they had a barista on the squad.

So far it's definitely been addition by subtraction for me without Rip nagging the team every other scene. At least the team is willing to admit to being Well-Meaning Idiots while also having fun with it.

I knew something was getting to me about H.R. Wells and it finally hit me: He's basically that Earth's Nathan Ford* in "working" mode.

I suppose the possibility is there: "Let's figure that out later."

Well we know she's got the radio station (thanks to LiveWire) but you're right, Snapper's introduction — as well as that of the "investigative team" — was so muddied it's obscured some of the early beats in this new facet of Kara's life.

Given the reveal at the end, I suppose it's possible that the readings were intentionally off?

Even though Snapper is meant to represent Old News (White) Patriarchy here, he's not wrong. Jimmy shouldn't have been leading that meeting, let alone trying to brand the story without any reporting being done.

Agreed. Bad Cop doesn't work if there's no Good Cop with whom she can riff.

The whole idea of this show is flawed. It's hard enough to care about this or any program when there's three Cell matches — let alone one featuring Roman. I swear, that guy's character is so unappealing TWD fans would be thanking Robert Kirkman if Negan went home run derby on him.

Yeah, the characterization of Diamondback was really inconsistent. When Shades first mentions him he's presented as this sort of Don character on par with the Kingpin. Then he shows up as a lone gunman-type. Add in the stuff in the latter episodes and he's all over the place.

Gotta disagree a bit on the final fight. That was the most clever plan I've ever seen for taking on Godzilla (albeit one who was a complete rookie as these things go). It was a thrill to go in wondering where the whole thing would collapse and then see it come to fruition.

I think it works even if there's a Batman in this universe* — Clark approves of Bruce keeping the K-ring as a safeguard. Crucially, here his beef with J'onn is about somebody else getting access to the material, or ordering him to use it.