
I thought they were building to that until the Vision reveal was accompanied by the statement, "Stark's right."

I will say this one did do some lampshading around the diversity issue. I'll give it a rewatch and see how it feels then.

Could be hearsay, but I read on the Mary Sue forum that there's about an hour missing from the "true" cut of the film — most of the dropped footage involves Thor's subplot.

Any chance you can get the AVthority to let you have a crack at the NJPW/ROH shows? Briscoes v. CHAOS, for goodness' sakes.

Ok, so if Twelve was Nathan, Psi Hardison and Saibra Sophie … I dunno, I can see Clara as more of an Eliot, but not by much.

I think the content of the speech was laudable, and yeah, it's easy to see Young One there as a stand-in for the younger portion of the audience. But tying Clara in to that moment in his development was awkward within the show's canon. And it also undercut Twelve's delivery of the same remarks to Rupert, which was a

No, the lighting is darker, but this Doctor is a little bit pettier and huffier (and into coffee). He's Six with a budget.

I love the case you've made for this episode, Alasdair. I just can't buy into any of it. Clara's latest Forrest Gump moment just undercuts some of Twelve's character's agency. So she not only got him into the TARDIS but talked him out of fearing the dark? I'm all for giving a companion a story, but this was a Mary Sue

To borrow a phrase, the Question, I think is: What does Clara want?

If she ends up being the "embodiment" of one of the Infinity Gems — corporate synergy! — her place as the Britta of the Marvel U. is assured.

The music got louder before he got to the possible Krypton escape pod part.

There is that, but there were more moments for the rest of the crew to shine in the first couple of years — Troy, in particular, has regressed, even if Donald Glover makes the absolute most of his material.

Don't forget Ape Day Afternoon

Huh. No love for Tamsin Greig as Adam's tech hook-up?

Also late to the proceedings, but there's a hell of a lot of good points being made in this thread, so kudos, everybody.

And after watching some clips and now the premiere, I'm still ambivalent up to this point. It looks like they're going to double down on Abed as the "Fan POV" character, while becoming more meta about itself (instead of comedy tropes at large) and admitting that this is a high-school show set on a college campus.

Might as well Tusk

I think you're mostly correct, but their versatility has been defined as specific. Eliot can grift, to a degree, but he's not a hacker. Hardison can, too, but he's neither the full-on muscle and his thing about heights and/or jumping probably stops him from being a thief. And Parker still needs help from Hardison in

I think you're mostly correct, but their versatility has been defined as specific. Eliot can grift, to a degree, but he's not a hacker. Hardison can, too, but he's neither the full-on muscle and his thing about heights and/or jumping probably stops him from being a thief. And Parker still needs help from Hardison in

It's also possible, given the nature of their relationship, that they rotate the Nate speech; we've seen Nate push each of them closer to thinking like a crew boss.