
It's also possible, given the nature of their relationship, that they rotate the Nate speech; we've seen Nate push each of them closer to thinking like a crew boss.

I had this more in the C range - the window dressing, though amusing, didn't make up for the lack of a threat (so far) in the Big Bad. Hard to feel for Clara when she's standing alongside her own grave within seconds.

I had this more in the C range - the window dressing, though amusing, didn't make up for the lack of a threat (so far) in the Big Bad. Hard to feel for Clara when she's standing alongside her own grave within seconds.

That is totally a Rudy choice. Not to mention his attempting to follow, and outdo, a performance that had the whole bar raving.

That is totally a Rudy choice. Not to mention his attempting to follow, and outdo, a performance that had the whole bar raving.

Hell with the Hobbit, can I just throw my money at that script?

Hell with the Hobbit, can I just throw my money at that script?

This was a week when the show tried to get too much in — establishing Abby as a full-time ASBO, pursuing Rudy's crush and exploration of his feelings, and doing a blow-off for the Jess/Alex storyline — and either ran out of time or did what it could to avoid heavy lifting on at least two of those ideas. But Joseph

This was a week when the show tried to get too much in — establishing Abby as a full-time ASBO, pursuing Rudy's crush and exploration of his feelings, and doing a blow-off for the Jess/Alex storyline — and either ran out of time or did what it could to avoid heavy lifting on at least two of those ideas. But Joseph

The remarkable thing for me was how seamlessly Abby was written into the vacant leadership position within the group. She gives Finn shit in such a way that Rudy gleans that it's better to "give her a pass" and takes Harvey Dangerous out without any fuss. I'm wondering how she's going to pull off cosplaying a Misfit,

The remarkable thing for me was how seamlessly Abby was written into the vacant leadership position within the group. She gives Finn shit in such a way that Rudy gleans that it's better to "give her a pass" and takes Harvey Dangerous out without any fuss. I'm wondering how she's going to pull off cosplaying a Misfit,

The thing that lingered with me from last week's episode, though, was how easily Rudy-Prime can slip into a criminal mindset anyway, even if he was under the influence of a Greed Virus or however you want to define that one guy's character. So Evil-Rudy as an amplification of the worst of himself makes sense.

The thing that lingered with me from last week's episode, though, was how easily Rudy-Prime can slip into a criminal mindset anyway, even if he was under the influence of a Greed Virus or however you want to define that one guy's character. So Evil-Rudy as an amplification of the worst of himself makes sense.

So, anybody's local drive-in showing this alongside the Breitbart biopic?

So, anybody's local drive-in showing this alongside the Breitbart biopic?

Six white people in a book going for a racial harmony vibe. Make mine meh.

Six white people in a book going for a racial harmony vibe. Make mine meh.

In my own personal canon, Ben arrives at the bar for a much-needed drink to get away from all this when who should happen to be in the seat next to him …

In my own personal canon, Ben arrives at the bar for a much-needed drink to get away from all this when who should happen to be in the seat next to him …

… Dammit. This makes too much sense. And I thought the Ponds' departure from Doctor Who was a heart-breaker. Malcolm's Fall is something I'm not ready to confront.