
Mickey's relationships with his Doctors did fluctuate, though; if you'll recall, Nine offered him a spot on the TARDIS only for Mickey to decline, while putting on an act in front of Rose to allow Mickey to save face (at least before dubbing him "Mickey The Idiot.")

Mickey's relationships with his Doctors did fluctuate, though; if you'll recall, Nine offered him a spot on the TARDIS only for Mickey to decline, while putting on an act in front of Rose to allow Mickey to save face (at least before dubbing him "Mickey The Idiot.")

Spoilers for the Buffy Season 8 book:

Spoilers for the Buffy Season 8 book:

I didn't get Inception. I DIDN'T GET INCEPTIOOOOOON!

I didn't get Inception. I DIDN'T GET INCEPTIOOOOOON!

@avclub-ba6eb126f6e0a1cdeb3d5aaff181aeae:disqus  Ha! Not at all; but a bullshit joke is a bullshit joke.

I know exactly what he meant. And that kind of drivel, regardless of intent, is inexcusable. Who is the editor who approved this?

Muhammad Ali with a pulse"? Ali is still alive, sir. Check yourself and your distasteful jokes next time.

Depending on how he's used next season, Rudy2 - the one who's less of a wanker - could step into that position. You'll notice that he seemed to get along with everyone he came in contact with before Rudy Prime would invariably make a mess of things for him.

Somebody tell Troy and Abed - we found the brightest timeline!

Agreed on this. But I also have to add: seeing Wil Wheaton face off with Richard F'ing Chamberlain was pretty damn cool.

First, Dan Slott didn't write that issue of Amazing Spider-Man, Fred van Lente did.

No, I'm complaining that, among other things, calls for more diverse characters and creators are dismissed as "contrived." Have fun regurgitating corporate talking points.

He’s the fan that exploded with rage when DC announced their plans to
relaunch their entire line, the reader that refuses to buy Amazing Spider-Man because
of “Brand New Day,” even though Dan Slott is telling one of most
exhilarating superhero stories on the stands. That animosity comes from
years of being burned

The Michael Westen of earlier seasons would have worked some angle -
like telling Pierce that she can infiltrate Anson's new org from the
start by playing along with getting burned - a perfect deep cover

Ok, Sophie's interaction with the camera gave me a strong flashback to that "Sophie is really Jane from Coupling" theory somebody came up with last week.

Go fig, I actually thought Bat-Abed's return and ensuing clumsiness, while being more "realistic," undermined some of the fun of his debut appearance; the most pleasant surprise for me there was seeing Abed exhibit some degree of aplomb in that persona, which foreshadowed his ability to channel the Tao of Solo, if you

I have a theory that Sophie and Jane Christie are really the same
person. After all, we know that "Sophie Devereaux" is just an alias
anyhow, and even Jane's name was actually a fake persona from when her
character started pretending to have an identical twin sister.