
"Here we go" made for an interesting close - Nate's playing an even longer con than usual, but I'm also curious to see how large of a role Eliot will have in it, or maybe he was just this week's Designated Shot Buddy.

The next JLA animated flick will be at least based on the "Tower of Babel" story arc, where Ra's got his licks in on the League, rather cleverly.

I couldn't help but feel the tone was quite petty, given the circumstances. Dini chose to end the series by, in effect, attacking a valid critique - that the show's storytelling pattern had become formulaic. The touches in the last few minutes - McKinley breaking character, the Batgirl trailer and the group send-off -

Remember when Batman fought corruption? 'Cause I think Frank forgot about it.

The Princess Bride homage was right there, of course, but the first thing that popped into my head was how Hollywood Shuffle the dialogue sounded during both of the big meetings. It was like hearing the cast of Hamlet 2 do line-readings from The Wire.

Confession: when I first saw the #anniesmove tag on Twitter, I thought it was actually #anniesmovies and my mind immediately went to Secretary. Is that wrong, or is it confirmation the universe needs to cast Alison Brie in a remake?