
Until she has her ass drug out the house by sheriff’s deputies for criminal trespass in defiance of a court order and prenuptial contract; and then ends up with nothing.

These serve no purpose but to be yet another way to extract and distract people from reality so that ecological and political degradation can accelerate, commoditize and dehumanize human beings, and finally make every one who uses them look and act like total fucking douche bags.

I wonder if you appreciate the irony of a trolling shit bag (you), who chose an avatar based on a movie character (Lizardo) who was a racist, that itself was deliberately modeled after a notorious fascist (Mussolini) lamenting liberals punching Nazis.

A minimum 30 year delay seems appropriate.

Levinson is a dirt bag who serves up dirt bag esthetics for wanna be dirt bags. His shows have all the same value and enjoyment as watching weekly episodes of bed bugs, Syphilis, stomach aches, and pus stained rags for an hour.

“Payback?” more details, please.

Oh. Trollflake. You could not sound less disingenuous if you posted a photo of yourself with the barrel of your AR-15 up your ass.

Hahaha. You know even Jesus thought lying was a sin.

You are absolutely wrong about the January 6th 2021 coup. It came within a hairs breath of working. And in fact it has been thus far 100% successful in evading any real consequences for any of the planners and financiers; and there absolutely nothing preventing it from happening again.

Golly, Tommy. Outline for us what she WAS saying in reference to American gun owners like her.

I’ve been to Dubai. You don’t “live” in Dubia.

FFS. We knew almost everything Heard claimed in the Op-Ed from the divorce and the ample stories in gossip rags like this one.

Indiana Jones and the Cynical Pile of Cash We Can Get Mining Sentimental Fan Boy Shut-Ins To Death.”

The direct implication of this is that the last house election it totally illegitimate and the republican majority was completely fraudulent.

Hahaha. How would Amber Heard NOT go public with the name of her public record husband during a divorce?

Oh. I didn’t realize telling the truth was about making sure there was always some perfect fair tail fantasy ending where the bad people always get punished.

Are you implying that I think I’m better than you?

Hopefully it involves your autopsy.

Especially in our ageist youth obsessed culture. Even rich old people have to see the end coming.

You honestly think this is more viable than the infinitely cheaper terrestrial renewables?