
The Democrats just once again won another stunning election despite all the GOP ratfuckery cranked to historic levels.

Careful. Matt Gaetz is only a few rapes shy of being the next Republican presidential nominee. 

Where is this coming from?

I think your math is off.

Even with supposedly 230 million subscribers (and I doubt that number) you cannot make 300-4oo high-end TV series and movies a year at $8-$15 a subscription with the promised returns to investors and producers. That’s around $3.5 billion in revenue.

Okay. Like sure. That all sounds wonderful. But... are you aware what world we currently live in or is this a message from the future Federation of Planets?

Look, Trollflake you attempted to use quasi-scientific language in the same distorted framework that all bigots attempt to use it. I don’t give a shit about the other poster. It’s you that’s the asshole.

The terms Female and Woman are not scientifically synonymous Trollflake.

No. It’s a thing.

The Culture Warriors just love them a Moral Panic. Like the world doesn’t have enough problems they’ve got to invent a few more to rage poop their pants over.

“Johns?” Hahahahaha. Okay Lt. Brisco.

You can tell this is a democratic scandal because the sex is consensual and with a spouse rather than the usual Republican scandal of extra-martial sex with a prostitute, porn star, rape victim, or underage teenager.

Christ. Every time I read any quotes from these near illiterate shitbags I can’t believe either of them graduated high school.

God no. You would have to be insane to take on Trump as a client. He doesn’t pay his law firms. He is notorious for it. He is one of the worst clients imaginable.

God no. You would have to be insane to take on Trump as a client. He doesn’t pay his law firms. He is notorious for it. He is one of the worst clients imaginable.

God no. You would have to be insane to take on Trump as a client. He doesn’t pay his law firms. He is notorious for it. He is one of the worst clients imaginable.

A show that answered the question “what the feeling of having explosive diarrhea would look like if we turned it into a television show.”

My god America is a hell hole. 

I would not be so certain.

There is only ever one downside to not having kids. And that is the reality of old age. My wife and I do not have kids. But all that money we saved not raising kids has basically gone to taking care of our parents.