
I thought it was sort of unwatchable as well. I mean there were as usual for Campion beautiful sweeping scenery and lovely closeups, etc and some good performances. But, well, I don’t like Campion. Don’t get me started on that abysmal film the The Piano. Her stories are all the same. The same beleaguered pacing, the

100% this. There were a dozen or so bots busted on IG yesterday with he same copy-pasta “What about racial minorities!

Then if it doesn’t;t matter why do it at fucking all? You can’t have it both ways. There is this aggregate effect on the internet that does move cultural needles or social media would not fucking exist nor would the hundreds of Russian and Chinese Troll Farms that dedicate a tremendous amount of money, time, and

Russia invaded a country. At some point you have to grow the fuck up and choose sides, okay?

You know who else launders money and aids in committing genocide?

What we don’t need is more pearl clutching moral scolds. Just fuck off already.

what the fuck is going on with this show?

The irony is waaaay more conservatives and Rightwingers are into cuckolding. 

Oof. Dude nothing says repressed pervert in extreme denial like some overly moralistic rant. Like, how hard was your dick when you wrote that nonsense?

I came in to say the actor cast is far too young. There’s no way I believe he had a twenty year long military career. But then I learned he was 39. Jesus. That guy looks 23 tops.

That scene in Euphoria was just Edge Lord horse shit. Having the character with his wang out was so contrived and clearly to do exactly what this article is doing: shocking Monday think piece for Social Media circulation.

And far too many people call themselves “writers.” This entire article is god damned moronic.

Good Christ this site has gotten hard up for content. Was this written by some Markov filter bot? The sheer vapid inanity. Like a ninth grader restating a thesis sixty different times and then writing the end. Jesus.

They keep losing because of petulant cry babies who want magical unicorns and because of god damned voter suppression and the fact the most populated areas of the nation pull less weight than Bumfuckistan McNowhere. When they win it’s because they managed to scratch out some reality and hold back minority voter

My poor honker has been broken so many times that it takes chemical weapons to breach my smell sense.

She is every bit as fucked in the head as that pile of shit she is married to. Like you said she married him long after his insane antivax views were well public. (I’m not sure why wives get a pass and not husbands, but. Whatevs.)

But not his years of insane antivax bullshit?

Bullshit framing. Inflammatory headline. I couldn’t finish this article. “It’s always democrats fault.” Enough of that bullshit

It only took them one year for “All Lives Matter” (after the cynical revelation that some people should die for corporate profit) and “Blue Lives Matter” (of course more cops died from covid than died in the line of duty getting shot or stabbed) to be whittled down to “Okay Only A few Lives Matter. Preferably Rich

This show is the worst sort of fan boy pandering mush. Clearly another blind cash grab cynically mining nostalgia. Unoriginal. Baffling ill placed flashbacks. They take some of the most interesting set pieces and world building from the source material and turn it to empty pap. Apparently the sand people, gibbering