
As the possessor of roman emperor level schnoz descended from a long line a epic snoots I look down my nose at nose jobs. Big noses are sexy AF. The day Jennifer Grey got her beautiful bill sliced off was a tragedy for humanity. Whilst mine has gotten broken a couple of three times (big nose + boxing = target) and is

I told you so.

When I lived lakefront rats floated or swam up the toilet at least once month during rainy months. At least.

Josh Gad? Is he some rich guys kid or something? How the fuck does that unfunny cretin keep getting starring roles. He’s fucking terrible. For years I though he was David Cross in a fat suit attempting an Andy Kaufman prank on everyone.

Adam is gong to just be a random crazy cannibal serial killer stalker obsessed with the plane crash and has some secret inside knowledge of the cult of the rune they found. Because as we know according to film and TV 20% of the population are serial killers or cannibals.

Nah. It’s a little overrated. There are some great things about it, chiefly the creative cinematography, sound track and some good performances. But it’s really needlessly cynical and predictable. 

It will turn out that Wednesday Adams somehow rigged it. Because she is a malevolent crazy person the show needs to create artificial ongoing drama. Along with all the other malevolent crazy characters that somehow all ended up a crashed plane together.

As predicted Juliette Lewis is ruining this show. The whole age thing doesn’t add up, first of all. But whatever. It’s that her “acting” is the same in every single appearance: Be the unstable drug addict crazy wild eyed bitch that mumbles or incoherently shouts her lines.

In a just world the prosecutor should be sued out of existence. But we don’t live in that world we live in a world with almost total police immunity. So all this empty anguish over the broken system is sheeps wool.

Oh come on. The answer is: every dime earned by her or her publisher from the publication and film rights of the book Lucky should go to the victim.

I dunno. Juliette Lewis is a deal killer for me. She’s a shitty creepy annoying actor. And she’s a fucking horrible person, a junkie, and god damned Scientologist. I just can’t.

Christ. I was half expecting you to tell me your PR’s and how many super-sets you do on leg day.

What’s stopping me?

No one should be the least bit shocked by this.

It’s a “what if” historical fiction piece. She’s playing Rosa Parks, Anna May Wong, and Indira Gandhi. A real passion project.

Well. That is just not true. If he is feeling pain and some morons are saying “ignore it” then he is being exploited and lied to.

“I was going to the gym in the morning like, ‘Oh, my God, I must have torn something in my leg,’ and the guys were like, ‘You haven’t, you’re just tired and you’re getting older,’” Holland says.”

I read a quarter of the first book in 1992, fell asleep and left in in the seat back of an airplane. And literally never thought about it for second since. It left zero impression on me.

Unoriginal. Cliche’d. Dull.

Nah. He’s right. It is obscene entitlement assuming the average adult has the time or bandwidth for two workouts a day. Like social media in general these “lifestyle” articles feed into social insecurities are extracted from the small niche of narcissistic image obsessed individuals.