
the second one, The Road Warrior, is an amazing film. it’s one of my all time favorite films. sure the story is simplistic, but it’s not about story.

never heard of this... but intrigued by it. I’ll have to look it up.

sorry, this is a great game, but if I’m going to pay $20 for an old game, it better work without any effort from me... and it better have some nice extras.

I had to add. I’m only a few panels into Homestuck, but I’m already really loving it. I don’t know what I was expecting, but it wasn’t that. Very funny!

yeah, part of what intrigues me is the popularity of this game, but I know how easy it is to fall victim to hype and stuff like that too. I see it mentioned a lot, but I don’t know much about it other than the memes, and the fact it’s an RPG.

thanks. these answers all helped me out. you’re answer I think helped me the most, because I didn’t know it was a bullet hell game. I actually love bullet hell shooters. I have no idea how that would work in an RPG so I may check it out for that alone.

I do worry a little about the memes and stuff because I’m not part

As someone who hasn’t played this game.... There more to the game than meme-bait dialogue like this, right? Or is that the core appeal?

Fun fact: 666 is in actuality a likely copy error of 616, so it’s funny people view 666 as being related to the devil.

“ridiculous Steam achievement”

I don’t know. Does Sega make toys? I thought they were just a software publisher now.

I remember when people used to suggest Nintendo was more a toy company than a game company, because Nintendo dared to make family friendly games.... It’s strange to see pushing so hard towards selling toys, and weirder to see it being so financially successful.... I’m going to make a prediction: if Nintendo ever stops

and I said there are other ways to convey color than texture

While there’s a lot of things wrong with what he did, I’m pretty sure 17 is legal there (feel free to correct me if I’m wrong). In fact, 17 is legal in much of the secular western world. I live in New York and I’m pretty sure that’s the legal age here too (though frankly I dated a 20 year old a few years back... and

Agreed. Though I’d never play solo on Diablo 3 for PC... I’ve been killed by lag enough times in game to know singleplayer hardcore will just make me mad when the stakes are higher.

In some genres and games, sure.... But Diablo is at it’s core a dungeon crawler. That genre is built around the idea of living with decisions. Sure the way Diablo is structured, and the casual players its amassed, have made it possible to have the best possible character and never choose incorrectly.... but that

Yeah, I think most people who are chastising you have no idea how relatively easy this sort of thing is to add. It takes away nothing from those who see colors normally, but it also removes all the extra tedium/frustration experienced by colorblind players, from all the tedium of replaying everything several times

The real reason most people ignore the Auction rule... it requires a lot more math. It’s not hard math, mind you, but it’s more numbers to calculate and keep track of. I’ve never seen anyone pull out this game and have a calculator or a pad and pen handy for the arithmetic. Personally, I prefer playing with Auctions.

So... try to get a monopoly?

Yeah, it’s funny to me too, but it’s expected. Braid, was a great a game. But there was one thing it lacked; an original concept. Don’t misunderstand me. The game was worthy of praise. People just seemed to praise its originality when they should have been praising things like: puzzle design, aesthetics, polish,