
wow thanks! most people probably wouldn’t care but you’ve give me an excuse to play the whole game again.

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Uplink was kind of like a teaser made to showcase Half-Life without actually showing stuff in the final game. It was it’s own little story with unique puzzles, set pieces, and levels. It’s a lot of fun, even now. You can see it in the video, but I’d suggest actually trying it out. Some parts are actually better than

Decay doesn’t get enough love. It’s a great little campaign. Plus, the Vortigaunt level alone should make it more noteworthy...

that’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying Bioshock Infinite had less gameplay and story mechanics.... but that it was at the end of a ladder of reduction. Bioshock is just another rung on that ladder. the Bioshock games pale in comparison to the System Shock series. the getting rid of things that don’t work is what the

Exactly. Not to discount what Brady does for a living, but in his line of work repeated head trauma and brain damage are par for the course. He’s not seen as important because he’s a great thinker. He’s important for athletic and physical prowess. No one should be taking his opinion in areas outside his limited

I’ve heard complaints. It’s a platformer built for pixel perfect precision and frequent deaths, but controls very loosely and takes its time getting you back into the action. Super Meat Boy’s design philosphy would have fixed these two things. Also the game runs out of things to do half way through so they just make

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“But I don’t know because his name wasn’t on the box. Just because you see Hideo Kojima’s name in the game more than Snake’s doesn’t necessarily mean he had anything to do it”

wow. goes to show how much difference the decimal place can make. yeah, my mistake. I somehow misread that as 7.8 hours. I was playing devil’s advocate for the guy before, but even I will admit there’s little to justify playing 78. On top of that the game is so new he’d have little time to do much else but play it. I

Controversial game because it’s depictions of women are seen as sexist. Every game news site and blog will echo this point. So if this is such a shameful, sexist game and these are such shameful, sexist depictions of women... why display pics from them front and center on every article about them? Gaming press acts

Opened article to see why people were upset about the Game Awards. Saw:

maybe he wanted his money’s worth? 8 hours really isn’t that long though considering the series.

Actually the probably with Bioshock Infinite is a different one, but it seems to apply to Fallout 4 so it doesn’t matter.

newer is better? I’m not a Smash player, but I get why they chose that game. It had the most features the community desired from the series. It also is best suited for competitive fighting game enthusiasts.

It’s funny how Nintendo touts the N3DS being so much faster. If this game were running side-by-side on a Vita vs the N3DS, the old hardware of the Vita would easily run the game much faster.... Of course, Nintendo knows nobody bought the Vita so it doesn’t matter how much faster that system is. They can continue to

how about I not pay money for something I used to get for free? seriously, does no one remember that Amazon just recently abruptly ended their free cloud storage to push people to pay for Prime? they only offered like 5 or so gigs, but that it enough for important stuff. it’s a waste of time, energy, internet, etc to

how about I not pay money for something I used to get for free? seriously, does no one remember that Amazon just

Sony tends to support their old systems far longer than the competition. They sometimes say they’ll do it for 10 years (depending on the system). you could buy PS1 games well after PS2. you could buy PS2 games well after PS3 too... though it probably helps most their old systems have done better than their new ones.

what are you talking about? Sony put their best foot forward when they made the thing. they put their best foot forward when they announced it too. do you not remember the Vita was a technological marvel at the time it was announced. it was loaded with great hardware and extra features, including that second

what’s more interesting is I don’t think I’d put the original in my top 12 Gamecube game list.

it’s almost Black Friday (or Cyber Monday if you consider that much of a thing)