For some reason “an art” gets me every time. I can’t stop giggling.
For some reason “an art” gets me every time. I can’t stop giggling.
Just playing overnight and this morning, corpse explosion seems waaaay OP...and I love it and am totally ok with that! :) One explosion causes the next, and the next, until the entire screen is shaking with explosions. It’s fucking beautiful, and so much fun...
If you liked D3, you’re gonna love the necro!
I blew up so many corpses simultaneously, the games lagged. It brought a tear to my eye at the sheer beauty of it.
Was Maureen still high off that edible?
As a resident of Spokane, I decline these terms. We already have a football team with much more class and prestige. I mean, they play in the Indoor Football League, but still...
I’m going to put this comment on a different tangent.
How about we get the furies in on this? You know before Athena made them the kindly ones to spare some fucking dude! (Though if I was staging that play I’d make the ending ambiguous...maybe implying they became kindly after killing him. But I’m a misandrist.)
There are a lot of bastards who need striking down. Maybe Kali can outsource to the Erinyes.
Listen, when you’re a parent it is your job to be as embarrassing to your kid as humanly possible. That’s just science.
You’re the second person to ask stool related questions today. That’s.. odd. I take a very, very low dose. I don’t usually get too tired, unless I have to take something else like a muscle relaxant as well. And if I do that, I don’t drive. I have tried cannabis, I totally believe in using it if you can and if it works…
marijuana isn’t the answer for everyone, it only works on specific types of pain and in some people it can actually increase pain. It has tremendous promise as a medicine and should be legal everywhere but it’s not a cure-all and can’t replace opioids in all situations. The only thing that will stop these deaths is…
Ok, I’ll bite. 3 hours and 46 minutes ago. I’m one of those people who uses opiates regularly ( for years and every 6 hours ) and is not an addict.
Not to dox myself, but I’ve escorted there. My friend and I joke that our protesters are the kind of people who go to brunch and tip their waiters with bible verses. They always leave before noon, so we assume that’s what they’re up to next.
He would have melted down if he had ever met my grandmother. She was straight up country, but a real deal progressive. That meant her recipe for fried chicken was “Step 1, kill a chicken...” and it also meant that back in the day when it was as bad as it soon will be again in certain parts of this nation, if a woman…
Not ten years of pension... SEVENTY YEARS of pension liabilities. The USPS is having to pay pensions for employees that aren’t even alive yet. The USPS doesn’t have much autonomy over itself either. It has to get congressional approval for any changes in rates and levels of service.
I got grief from my pharmacy when I wanted to refill my Synthroid prescription a few weeks early because I was going on holiday overseas and wanted to be sure I didn’t run out or lose my pills.
And who TAKE THEM AS PRESCRIBED. Not crushed and snorted or chewed up in handfuls with a shot or two of hooch. Or who use them as a second source of income.
Drug Firms Poured 780M Doses into WV. This article laid bare for me the extent to which pharmaceutical companies are straight up negligent in this public health crisis. Shipping 9 million doses to a town of 392 people over two years? Tell me again how they “couldn’t have known.” It’s total bullshit and I hope they’re…
Addiction is multifaceted. As a country, we need to confront what is happening in our country where unhappy people, people who are struggling day to day, turn to drugs to soothe their suffering. People of all ages and incomes turn to addiction. We need to de-stigmatize mental illness and open up access to counseling.