
I just finished Johann Hari’s <i>Chasing the Scream</i> last night. Eye-opening.

treehugging homeopathic confused sponge

Welp, they’ve got “kummerspeck” for “eating your feelings”.

why doesn’t this have more stars?!!?

Man, I just posted the same thing upstairs.

I needed this 24 years ago... (spoilers: we all survived the colic months)

I told my husband that I’d never seen Dirty Dancing and he looked at me like I’d sprouted a second head. I followed up with, “Honey, it’s a movie. About dancing. In which nothing explodes. Why the fuck do you think I would have watched it?” We’ve only been married for 29 years... I guess he’s still learning about me.

Dang it, I was going to click the star but then I saw you had 666 of them and I couldn’t mess that up...

Hugs if you want them. My bro finally got his paranoid schizophrenia DX (only 30 years after I said, after taking Psych 100, “hey, his ideation is a bit off?”) and I completely agree. Now that he’s retired, on disability, and medicated, he knows when his brain weasels are leading him astray. These fuckers are

intramedullary nail

starred for “penurious”

I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.

sobriety *always* wins

i am angry at my loved ones who i know voted for trump

Sympathies. My mom died of COPD in hospice six days before Christmas last year. (Man that isn’t English but the gist is there.) I actually went to the company holiday party four hours after she died - it beat sitting at home and feeling like shit.

Yup. Told my fiance two things before we got hitched in the vein of #jk #sorrynotsorry (it was 1988 so way before those were a thing):

Yup, at a Catholic hospital they won’t do anything about an ectopic pregnancy until the tube bursts. grrrr

Here in Washington state everybody votes by mail and they do a signature check. I found out the hard way when I forgot to sign the ballot envelope and my spouse tried to “help” by forging my signature on it, since it was the day of the election. My ballot got bounced and I had to file a new signature card with the

Welcome to what my redneck dad called “the little soviet of Washington”. (Well, unless, like me, you live on the east side of the Cascades.)

If he passes the bar, he’ll have a built in clientele of sovereign citizens! Yay?