
Also, if you want to see how people of different Colorblind types see things, this is a great website that I’ve been using for nearly 20 years to demonstrate to people. It lets you pick the type of colorblindness and upload a photo. It will strip out the color-families that that type of colorblindness cant see and

There is a bunch of mistakes or “half-correct” things in the article:

The Ishahara test tests for all 3 types of colorblindness: Deuternopia, Protonopia, and Tritanopia.  The first 2 are generally lumped together as “red-green” and the latter as “blue-yellow”.

Apparently they never watched Good Eats S03E04 “What’s Up Duck”. This was tested and confirmed by Alton Brown 15 years ago. Bagged and submerged in a pot of water with a cold water drip is even faster than warm water bath.

Nictotine has plenty of negative health effects on its own: it increases blood pressure, causes tachycardia, and every other effect an “upper” has.

I smoked for 20+ years. Do to an insurance change at work, a bunch of us quit smoking and switched to using an E-Cig and Snus. After about 3 months, I quit the E-Cig and just did Snus. It took about 4 more years to wean myself off the Snus entirely to just chewing mint gum and toothpicks.

So... how do I do 2FA if I don’t own a phone? Like... I don’t have a cellphone nor a landline. I do not have a phone number at all. I use LastPass to make sure all my logins and passwords are unique and not trivial, but I haven’t found a good solution for sites that demand I give them my phone number.  I’ve resorted

Having worked there for a few years back in college, and having to restock an entire case every day, I assume no one has ever actually bought a bottle of Cholula Hot Sauce, they just take them from Q’doba like they were Taco Bell Fire Sauce packets.

required watching: The Danny DeVito movie: Other People’s Money

Who signs off their letters with ‘FOR THE GLORY, (xxx)‘? Penn state alumni, I guess. (?)

This couple is from my hometown: the dilapidated failure of a ‘city’ that is Johnstown, Pa. People like this are why I moved away in the mid 90's as soon as I turned 18 and never went back.

This is the correctish take, but they need to add Snickers, Reeses (pieces and cups), Peanut M&Ms, Meltaways, and Payday bars to the list of things worse than candy corn...

IME’s represent!

Thursday night games that are banished to NFL network are technically “primetime” games, too.

I went to college for 11 years to get my engineering degree.

Is this a case where I, as a white man, would be allowed to punch a bitch? I know I’m never supposed to hit a woman, but this feels dangerously close to the line. Am I OK in wanting to “1-punch” her or am I still required to call up my girl or my sister and say “I gotta bitch here that needs 3 or 4 less teeth. Can you

I’ve noticed a trend among my peers in the “white people aged 30-50" demographics: They think that letting other people have agency somehow decreases their own.

But Shoresy is usually the one with the bad ideas...

His real name is: Angus MacGyver.