
This comment isn’t getting the love it deserves.

Sorry you got kinja’d, but I’ll reply to this one...

Again... I’m not sure where you got this “fair and equitable service” idea. Bars have not, nor will ever be that way. As the other commentor said “Ladies night” is one example. Hell, the bar I work at had “Jorts” night as a joke promotion and they stuck to it. If you wore jorts, you got discounted drinks. No jorts, no

Can Confirm

Tell me where it says they have to serve people equally? If you’re an asshole, they can choose not to serve you. If you don’t meet their dress code, they can choose not to serve you. If you wave your money in the air and shout “Bartender! Bartender! Bartender!” they can choose not to serve you. If you appear drunk,


It’s no different than saying “That S-O-B”. It’s not so much an abbreviation for convenience as it is a way to “swear without actually swearing”. G-D it, F-U, H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks, M-Fer, etc...

Translation (sentiment not literal as the phrasing doesn’t translate literally to english)

But do you think Trump ever goes to the store himself? He’s got people for that.

Except that one of the superiors (that was convicted) he reported it to *WAS* the man in charge of the cops at the time. Due to piss-poor business set-up at PSU, the VP of Business was the de facto police chief of the University Park Police Department (which, unlike most other universities, are actual L.E.O.s and not

the critique of Paterno has always been that he should have called the fucking cops.

As a former bar manager, bar tender, bouncer, and bar back... the article is correct. Even if these women squeeze by you, the bartender knows where you were and will get to you in turn. Remember, they are sober. They’re probably the only ones in the entire place that is. This is their job. If they are serving the

  1. Start with the largest take-out container

What Can I Say That’s Actually Helpful in Times of Grief?

You aren’t adopting someone else’s problem. You’re adopting a living, breathing animal. If there were problems, it’s because the previous owners didn’t fulfill their end of the “Pet-Owner” contract.

I rescue(d) abused German Shepherds. About 4 years ago, the house across the street from me was bought by a woman in her early 60s and her boyfriend of about the same age. At that time, I had one 9yr old GSD who was in her final days due to degenerative myelitis. My girl was completely paralyzed in the back end,

When I’m late, I just walk into the meeting and say “I apologize that you all got here early. Now let’s begin.”

Nestle Crunch bars are great frozen.

The person who made this decision is probably the same person who thought “Let’s make one team wear all red and another wear all green for the ‘Color-Rush’ games...”