Not all of them.
No, I’m not. This is literally the field I work in. I am the guy who tells farmers where and how-much to spray in order to get the most out their investments (minimizing application costs while maximizing yield). Organic-classified fertilizers and pesticides are less effective than their non-organic-classified…
If you have a Sam’s Club around, the generic is something like $17 for 400 pills (in 2 bottles of 200 each). Makes it harder to run out when you have over a year’s worth :)
No. It hasn’t been proven (nor disproven). It lost a lawsuit this past autumn where 12 jurors said it is likely to have contributed to the defendant’s cancer, however that has no bearing on whether it actually contributes. A court case is not scientific study.
This answers so many things in my life. I’ve been on Zyrtec for nearly 20 years, way back when it was still prescription. I used to have to take 20mg/day (4 pills of the current OTC pills). Now I take it as a maintenance drug at night and will often forget. I occasionally will break out in severe itching bouts. I will…
As stated in other responses, “450 metric tons” is worthless unless it is accompanied with over what area and how many times. It’s just a “Big Scary Number!” and without full context, it’s not useful. You are doing the same thing the video did. Trying to use scare tactics out of context.
No, the poison is in the dosage, not the drug. I’ll drink glyphosate or Dacthal right now, if you want, but I get to choose how much.
No, that isn’t a California thing. That is an EPA thing. The ones that are California specific say “are known to cause (insert health concern here) to the state of California” and even those are due to lawsuits, not scientific study.
You must be mis-remembering. RoundUp will straight-up kill apple trees. It will kill any broad-leaf plant if absorbed (which includes most trees, including evergreens). It doesn’t work well on grasses and grains (which is why it is used, as it leaves those crops alive).
Nitrogen and awesomeness.
I think their conclusion is incomplete. They need to do another study where everyone, both on the left and the right, walk up the stairs. As they stated a slow road can pack in more cars, but a high-speed thru-way carries more cars even though they are spread out due to them spending less time in any given section of…
Yeah, the authors of this study clearly don’t understand the “throughput vs latency” relationship. An apropos analogy would be watching movies at home. The standers on the right are people who order BluRays from Amazon while the people walking on the left are NetFlix streamers. While it is technically true that…
I’m a Pens fan. I watched the game on KBL/Root-Sports-Pit/FoxSportsPitt/ATTSportsNet/Whatever-the-hell-the-hometown-channel-is-called-now and the second most disappointing thing about last night’s game was that they cut away after the shootout and didn’t show the Storm Surge.
The 7th kind of woke white people: me, around 8:07am right after my alarm goes off after the 6th time I hit the snooze button.
“Slash: ‘Used To Love Her’ is one we’ve played in concert a lot, and we got a lot of heat about it because the lyric goes, ‘I used to love her, but I had to kill her.’ People think it’s about one of our old girlfriends, but it’s actually about Axl’s dog. It’s really a joke, nothing more.”
I’ve been lobbying my state to make euthanasia legal for years. I don’t want to be a burden on what little family I have when I’m old and infirm. Dementia runs in the family. My Grandmother lived for years with it and it took a huge toll on my parents. My mom is dealing with early onset symptoms in her early 60s and…
I was coming to post these lyrics... and to remind people that the song was written about his dog and not his ex.