Ari Verderci

Haha, I want to watch that episode!

Oh yeah, forgot about the Cuban nurse. I guess Jackie is not a bigoted as my picture of her.

Howard and Jackie could never happen. She doesn't get "the Jew thing" and it's important enough to him to point it out at every turn, including Alicia's Shaw coasters.


Black-ish made me want to call my dad and ask if we can dance together. Now he's the one worried about me.

If Cary wants to be the new Will and channel his inner Kalinda, he better start sleeping with one of his associates and queer it up.

Luca Quinn is a promising character. And if this is the last season we might actually experience a female character with whom Alicia doesn't have a falling out.

Absolutely, because fraud and scandal always forces Governors out of office and never allows them to run for POTUS. Look, everyone, it's Chris Christie!

Actually, the worst relationship at this point is the one between the writers and the show. They used to be engaged and now they're friends with few benefits.

F is too harsh. Scandal manages to do what few other shows have ever done for me: make me believe in love. In times when everyone in splitting up and getting divorced, Scandal makes me believe that Nonsense and Bullshit won't. Their unwavering bond will outlast even the most feisty among us. For that I give them a D.

Her lines were probably busy, with all the Kalinda calling instead of meeting for real and whatnot.

Background check? What background check?

And LA&L should fire their doorpeople, because apparently everyone can just run into the partners' offices.

I really loved this episode. The entire lead-up to Pops encounter with Jay almost had me on the floor laughing. Pops killed it, but my MVP goes to Charlie. I also think that maybe Rapaport is the only white guy, who can "talk and act black" without seeming too offensive. So, yeah, maybe too on-the.nose, but who else

You're right. I just feel like there's an accumulation of small instances in which the writers are making excuses for not giving us a funnier show, using our expectation of Abed saying something meta to have a lazy out. I am still watching and liking the show, just not loving this season in general.

Trust me, I miss Troy. Troy and Abed are my favorite couple to have ever been on TV…ever! I would've watched a show with everybody gone but Troy and Abed. But pointing out that their lives have less humor without Troy only works, if the show itself didn't get less funny. Like if their lives had moved to a darker

Yes, but enough with this meta horseshit about how Chang is underutilized and the group is less entertaining without Troy. Write funnier stuff and utilize Chang dammnit! Other than that, loved this episode.

No one is claiming that Charlie is a one-dimensional black Creed, but they are both bizarre deviants with random thought-processes and a lack of shame.

At this point, the reveal of Milt's motivation/background has taken so long and been hidden so well, that the eureka moment has to be en par with expectations. On the other hand, if he really is influenced by some major distress in his past, why didn't we see any reference to his struggles this far? Not sure I care

Jack, the Teamster, was my MVP for this episode: "I'm a hot mess." killed me.
And speaking of hot messes, Charlie really is, essentially, the Creed of this show.
And speaking of mockumentaries, the twins should get their spin-off. I can't get enough of their opinions.