Ari Verderci

Too soon

Right or maybe Nick does something stupid enough that the 99 confuses him for someone they've been looking for. I wanted a sweaty Nick interrogation! And Winston is a cop. How did they not work a mention of that in?

Am I the only one wondering where Schmidt's mom's friend Susan is?

So many thoughts on this (mediocre, still coming back for the 7th) season, but here's my main thought: Mickey and Ian's love is one of my favorite story lines ever on TV. Why Shameless, did you drag it through the mud? It was raw, intense and real and they fought for each other more than they fought with each other.

I didn't recognize the actress straight away, Then she spoke about her past and got undressed. Yup, that's Mandy.

Surely the Elders of the Internet and The Hawk would prefer to see it back at Big Ben.

And they look like Bill Murray.

I used the "Ignorant/unexposed because not African American, 95% white private school educated, homogeneous wealthy neighborhood"-argument on a friend once and she removed herself from the situation, my ignorance must've been frustrating af, before sending me a quote by Grada Kilomba:"„They say they do not know! But

Or as Larry Wilmore put it: "Why should we end it? We didn't start it."

Who cares? A show/episode that educates about systemic racism isn't necessarily for black people, because life in America educates them about systemic racism sufficiently.

Haha. I never write that much either. Can't fall asleep and got lost in everything I disagreed with. TGIF.

I agree that the show is trying to make the audience care about too many things it is not allowing us to invest in sufficiently, but judging HTGAWM by the same standards as The Good Wife doesn’t work. This show never was about meticulously building up emotional beats and subtlety. It gives us cheap thrills, context

She Hates Us - title of this review :-)

True, at the same time they always spoke about getting their timing wrong. Right then, before taking Peter's hand, was the small window to give their real relationship - not affair - a chance. Eli stole that chance.

Actually it's the walking out that one does not simply do.

Holt/Frederick spin-off anyone? Or a mini series maybe?

Grace Florrick made over 35,000$ in a day working from home. If I ever need money, I'll make my dad governor and my mother a lawyer, live in their house and (wo)man the phone.

It takes at least a year to re-brand like that. My previous employer changed their name and some clients (comparable to LG clients) were still not over it two years later. Even in the logic of this show it doesn't make sense. Remember the publicist Will hired in order to communicate stability? Wonder where she's been

She's making 35 000 this year for a day's work, without a degree and while living with her mom. She sounds like all the spam we get here.

I am all for a bottle episode if it's in Eli's office.