Ari Verderci

Alicia checks her watch at 4:20. Just sayin…

I know. If you want me to believe it's Will, use a prosthetic nose. Didn't believe it for a second.

Unlike the author I can't speak to any kind of African American experience, as much as I find the social injustice to be suffocating. I judge the episode as an interested viewer, so as that, I appreciated having a case of the week, OPA working as fixers, Mellie and Fitz being a team, no focus on the love triangle, and

He lost his mother before puberty. I think there's a lot of confusion in this for him. And she never had a child or aborted it, so those are her strange emotions. Just my guess.

If that happened, Asher would be left last. Still oblivious to where everyone around him went and how Wes (penultimate man standing) ended up dead.

Who else is looking forward to a second season, especially now that Rebecca is out?

So Connor won't be using his magic penis to solve crimes anymore? This is disappointing.

and then pressed my hand on my mouth. as if that could stop him from talking.

Google was probably a better way to go than looking at the Latin translation…damn.

Translated what you said to Latin in hopes of understanding it: de proxima septimana scriptor…culina…Lattimore carmen.

Right, I remember he left to marry Georgia. My question was how Olivia "saved" him prior to his joining OPA. The way she did with Abbey and her abusive husband, Huck with freeing him from B613 etc. Do we know? Muting the TV is the way to go.

Hurray for old ladies saying V.I.P!

Saw Joe Morton's name in the opening credits and grabbed the remote, prepared to ffw through his inevitable monologues. Watched the fishing story anyway and hate myself for not ffw through flaming horseshit.
I was unexpectedly happy to see Stephen though - unrealistic story, but happy nonetheless. Can someone remind

Mickey and Ian's love is consistently my favorite relationship on the show.

and beautiful.

Absolutely! But $652 is crazy money! Who do you think I am? Huck?

It's still quite farfetched. Is there so much honor among thieves that they're just gonna take their words for it?

Not getting my Marcia Gay Hard-on with her role in this.

So is it now global common knowledge that Fitz and Olivia are in love? If so, what was the Jeanine Locke cover up good for? Or is information only shared with the crazy billionaire's club?
Also, I start the bidding for Joshua at $ 651! Where Olivia confuses me every week, I find Joshua to be a calming presence saying

Are you a BITCH BABY??