Ari Verderci

That sounds like a much better show than the one we're watching now.

They probably need Mama Pope to identify people who would bid on Olivia. She's been in that world much longer and always followed the money.

Oooor: feeds him to the witch who is waiting in the forest on the other side of all the bread crumbs Olivia is leaving.

Yay, Olivia is leaving us bread crumbs! Dafuq? She botched her own rescue. The only thing I learned from Hansel and Gretel is that leaving bread crumbs is a shitty plan!
Wait for next weeks episode: Olivia is sold to a cannibalistic witch living in a forest.

And didn't they discard what they had burnt in those numerous plastic bags?

Would be an interesting twist. This show is so disconnected, unnecessarily convoluted and feels like they should have spent a little more time on development before going into production. I think I'll need Adrian Monk in the season finale to wrap it up: ´Here's what happened…the cheerleader…and that's why the

How did you come to that conclusion by episode 7? (Not that I wouldn't want it that way. Bonnie is bland and maybe it's a Shondaland rule: Liza Weil only gets one season.)

Cue Michael Bluth: `Them?´

Yes, but this is not the first time she has pointed out Alex's lack of male companionship/"femininity". And now we, the audience, know Alex has relationships. Since the show is for us, the joke falls flat. For a show that claims to be progressive, Alex not being a promiscuous Barbie and the gays not being sorority

What a phoned in episode. From everyone being surprised that it wasn't her first drink (she got arrested for drunken behavior. hellooooo???) to Gloria's input in the whole tattoo-debate and the contrivances Joshua mentioned. Manny and Luke being like a couple, Alex being teased by Lilly for not having a boyfriend (did

Whenever I see Kristen Johnston on TV, I am prepared to dislike it. And once again, she did not disappoint. Hated that storyline, except for "Cameron and Lilly"-scenes.

No, it tells us he found another clue to her story being made-up (Mattress King).

Good question. And will her real parents play her parents as they did in The Office?

Totally! We know it's gonna happen. Why didn't they cast an actress that we can root against? Like Katherine Heigl.

This week in webisodes Brooklyn Nine-Nine needs: Holt wants a sandwich. He makes a sandwich. He e-a-t-s the sandwich.

Probably gonna watch once it's an inflight movie. Mainly for Jen An and Motherfucker Jones.

Ah, I wasn't sure. After all it probably is the most "character work" he's ever done.

But he gets to say: "I like your boobs."

Before they find things to do for Robyn and other Cary, I'll pass on any additions.

I don't consider a 3-minute forgettable sidekick role to be a successful portrayal. Don't get me wrong, Pineapple Express is one of my favorite movies, but it's just always Seth being Seth.