Nick Überfullen

Also referred to as the “blown save.”

Someone tell Jay they misspelled “Ditka” on his hat.

Is it just me, or have we lost the objective, even-handed tone of this ongoing coverage? This new editorializing troubles me. It also delights me.

That Bastardo deal means no more Niese guy?

I once got a “steaming Matheny.” Kinda disappointing, actually.

I love getting my daily St. Louis dispatch post!

Can we get him a matchup with Bieber?

“I will entice you with soft bread of the whole grain kind, with the most grains possible. Then I will hit you doggie style.”

This is all well and good, but how are my Cardinals doing tonight?


So, you’re saying Odor is offensive?

Ceci n’est pas une pipe.

Failure to follow a lawful order is also an open invitation to further (albeit lesser) criminal charges. More than on-scene procedural thoroughness or formal language for writing a report, it gives prosecutors a potential basis for another charge, if so inclined.


Man, Schwarber must be kicking himself.

How can this story not end with the Giants graciously comping them front-row seats to another game? Sure, it will be a Cardinals game that nobody wants to see, but still...

“Touch of Irony” was the ironic name of the brothel.

Kudos for a fun day. Can we expect to see manly Military Grade Flashlight ads all over Jez from here on out?

The Tommy John Drill.