IMHO...I'll just say stuff


Scottingham....Who ever said Killmonger was a bad guy?

They should recast. But I have a feeling Disney will eff this up by trying to market it to everyone. Meaning wypipo in Wakanda walking around gentrifying up the place. Its feels like a potential cluster.

I for one love when celebs get all kumbaya when its time to sell something. Maiysha, yeah unfortunatly ol cool J did that. Now you can have that in your brain like the rest of us that were like WTF, L.

When will celebs realize that they need to make sure to do the research before posting anything.... the world is really watching them. This is dumb. She should know better and being 27 doesn’t mean you get pass for posting dumb shit. That “ I was questioning” line is the fall back for when you thought you were posting

Beside the obvious I don’t care about rona crowd... are people really coming for the owner? Did he not go up to them and ask them to chill? Yall really out here condoning twerking and doing the splits on a couch at brunch in a restaurant? It’s his fault because the song came on?  I guess.... music makes you lose

It really was an amazing album AND it had the best verse Nicki Minaj has ever spit. That verse The album was in always in rotation in my home and car. I loved it. It makes me sad to see where he is now.

Fizzzuck Trump!

Here to insert the customary “ Fuck Trump”. 

There is a story line where T’Challa goes off doing BP stuff and Shuri has to take up the mantle. They have options and they can find another actor to play BP. RIP Chadwick....you did the damn thing.

She got in his ass from the jump. Why did he do that to himself.

nah nah...nah nah.

Im one who is gonna watch it 50-11m times because I had to use it when I went to go see it and came back even more lost that my date. We both left liking the film but could not tell you what the f it was about. 

So the actions of a few black men dictate the whole of black men?  I have a vast number of black men in my orbit and not ONE wants to be white or wants to be down with orange dude. Since when does fuckin wayne speak for black men? Cube? Cmon son. I wont give up on the Black Man.... you know....since I am one. 

Look, you can be a black republican. Ok. That’s fine. But to be a orange dickhead supporter is not the same. For all of the obvious reasons. For these so called celebs, black celebs, to not know what this does is lost on me. Wayne, Im not surprised because he has said some dumb ass Im not black or I dont see racism

This was a full and complete reading....

The way I just laughed.......

Her coins.... pay them, you fuck. 

I will not entertain any conversation about Black Masculinity from a man with big ass titties......

Maaaaannnnnn muthafuck the cowboys!!! Jerry will trade his ass before he pays his ass. The good woods of Dallas and murica do not want a semi sweet chocolate QB leading murica’s team. I laughed my ass off last night to the pain of my cowboi fan homeboys......