IMHO...I'll just say stuff

You can stay grey. This whole thread is about saying what you said and not sugar coating it to make people feel better about their apathy towards what is going on. I for one don’t think Cannon should have apologized. White people can be savages and people have a lot of sympathy for Jews because of the Holocaust but

Troll in the grey area. Where do you get your facts? From your lumpy shitty ass? Nick Cannon didn’t tell a single lie. Annnnnnnd dont talk to me about calls for violence when black people are still getting killed by cops. I submit to you sir that you can eat a whole dick. Wipe your ass with your opinion and fuck all

I am glad she wrote that she was NOT ok. It’s been time to make white people uncomfortable. White folks, these are your friends, family members doing this BS and we are supposed to not react so you don’t feel bad about not saying something to them about this racist shit they do and say? 

This is what the internet is supposed to do. Bring people together from all walks of life, united in a common cause. This is beautiful.

No, Panama. No, you absolutely do not look cool in Crocs, sir. Sure, you can say how comfy they are. But... what Crocs will never and I mean never ever be.......... is cool.

I don’t have anyone here at work to get these jokes off with. I have been laughing at my desk all morning. Under my mask is a huge grin. This and it’s Friday!?!?!

At first I was like mmmaaaaannnnnn......

Well said. I love this show. From the historical context to the blackness. The Afrofuturism and the horror. Each character has depth. Im glad I dont know where each episode is going right away. I love the twists and surprises.  You really have to pay attention when you watch this show. I knew nothing about Bessie

Give her all her things. 

wonder coon powers ACTIVATE!!

a shitty broken folding chair of lies....who are these people???

Its Gotham so there are a few good cops. Most GCPD are dirty, so dude trying to put hands on Joker was a given.

A certain NWA song comes to mind but I dont want to offend the delicate sensibilities of the sissyfied caucusoid lurkers that find themselves not able to mind their own damn business....

why do punk ass white boys always come in here with the oHiThOugHtSegragati the fuck outta here! 

Fantastic and good luck to them. It won’t be east but it is way more than most are doing when they are bitching behind a computer screen trying to come up with ways this wont work.

They gave up the guts. Pepto all around for clippers nation.

I could not get passed Condoleezza Lice..... Kudos and Thank you!!

White people in ‘merica that don’t want to be white in ‘merica where being white is highly beneficial in ‘merica. Interesting.  

you have a good point.

I don’t see any lies in this article. Brooklyn is not trying to win rings, they just want names to put asses in seats.